Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Component
#257 Intel 320 40GB SSD not recognized Christian Franke enhancement closed major drivedb
#258 Attrib 198 (Uncorrectable_Sector_Ct) incorrectly decoded on Sandforce SSD's Christian Franke defect closed major drivedb
#259 Errors when the defect list is too large for the 10byte Read Defect command Doug Gilbert enhancement closed major smartctl
#180 Implement smartd --savestates and --attributelog for SCSI Alex Samorukov enhancement closed minor smartd
#247 Unable to get data from SCSI disk on FreeBSD with LSI RAID Alex Samorukov defect closed major all
#70 os_freebsd.cpp: Implement freebsd_escalade_device::ata_pass_through() somebody enhancement closed minor all
#201 os_freebsd.cpp: Have smartd prefer real device names over passN somebody enhancement closed minor smartd
#222 scterc set for megaraid somebody task closed minor all
#236 3ware 9750 support in FreeBSD somebody enhancement closed major all
#240 Support for more than 24 drives at a time somebody enhancement closed major all
#250 implement -g/-s wcache and lookahead for the SCSI drvies somebody enhancement closed minor all
#256 Windows Event log missing log source somebody enhancement closed minor smartd
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