Custom Query (12 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#55 Rework ATA debug output accepted ata Christian Franke task major
#1765 IOCTL_ATA_PASS_THROUGH fails with DRQ set (Intel PCH AHCI) new ata windows defect major
#1920 Extended self test not in overview new ata defect major
#107 Monitor worst and threshold value new ata somebody enhancement minor
#110 Print self-test failure checkpoint byte new ata somebody enhancement minor
#1218 Self tests pass under Windows 10 1809 but get stuck at 90% under Linux new ata defect minor
#1297 Get/set/reset ATA ACS-4 ERC Power-on Timer Value new ata enhancement minor
#1462 Read SMART Selective Self-test Log failed: scsi error unsupported field in scsi command new ata defect minor
#1523 Schrodinger's test - Captive tests fail when Smart is checked new ata enhancement minor
#1568 smartctl messages ‘Error: UNC at LBA’ invalid value for Windows new ata defect minor
#1807 Smartctl - Identify (--identify) to JSON new json ata enhancement minor
#1905 smartctl stores system uptime in the LifeTime(hours) field of the smart self-test on an Samsung SSD 840 EVO 1TB new ata defect minor
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