Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#737 Exit code 0 returned even when no SCSI diagnostic data is available new defect minor undecided
#819 KINGSTON SUV400S37120G: badly formed scsi parameters new defect minor undecided
#826 Old OCZ-Vertex2 drive: badly formed scsi parameters new defect minor undecided
#920 need to help for some correction : PM871b HP new defect minor unscheduled
#719 Prolific PL2773 USB3.0/eSATAII-to-SATAII bridge via eSATA not working reopened enhancement minor undecided
#904 ADATA SP580 new enhancement minor unscheduled
#914 DRIVE SUBMSISION: TOSHIBA THNSNK128GCS8 SSD 128GB new enhancement minor unscheduled
#990 add to drivedb: MB4000GVYZA new enhancement minor undecided
#1020 SanDisk SD8SN8U512G1002 new enhancement minor unscheduled
#1114 TOSHIBA MQ01ACF050 - device not in database new enhancement minor unscheduled
#1523 Schrodinger's test - Captive tests fail when Smart is checked new enhancement minor undecided
#1859 ID# (UB88SAB8000CS1-CTC-ORC) new enhancement minor undecided
#820 Would like to contribute to making smartctl a static library new task minor undecided
#832 Enable / disable the certain device features by specifying feature value and sector count value. new patch minor undecided
#870 [SAS/SCSI] Patch to support SMART attributes support for WDC SAS products new patch minor undecided
#1525 Separate DB entries for Intel S4510/S4610/S4500/S4600 Series SSDs new patch minor undecided
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