Changes between Version 199 and Version 200 of WikiStart

Aug 1, 2023, 1:45:20 PM (19 months ago)
Christian Franke

New version 7.4 released


  • WikiStart

    v199 v200  
    99#!div class="wikipage"
     10* {{{2023-08-01}}}: **We released [[|version 7.4 of Smartmontools]]. See the [[/browser/tags/RELEASE_7_4/smartmontools/NEWS|NEWS]] file and the [[/query?milestone=Release+7.4|ticket report]] to get a summary of the changes and new features.**
    1011* {{{2023-06-30}}}: CI builds ([[|]]) for macOS now support arm64 and x86_64 architectures, i386 requires build from source. This will also be the case for future release builds.
    1112* {{{2022-10-10}}}: '''20th anniversary''' of [[/changeset/13|smartmontools first release]] - see also [[History|smartmontools history]].
    12 * {{{2022-02-28}}}: **We released [[|version 7.3 of Smartmontools]]. See the [[/browser/tags/RELEASE_7_3/smartmontools/NEWS|NEWS]] file and the [[/query?milestone=Release+7.3|ticket report]] to get a summary of the changes and new features.**
     13* {{{2022-02-28}}}: We released [[|version 7.3 of Smartmontools]].
    1314* {{{2022-02-04}}}: **Alexander Shaduri released [[|version 1.1.4 of GSmartControl]] (a graphical user interface for smartctl). Available for Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X and Windows.**
    1415* {{{2021-10-23}}}: **There is a security issue if `smartd` is used conjunction with GNU mailutils < 3.13. See ticket #1535 for details and various possible fixes.**
    1920* {{{2018-10-17}}}: In the past we offered **daily builds** on [[|]]. Now we do automated builds **on every commit** to the [[/browser/trunk/smartmontools|repository]]. Read more about it in section [[#GitHubmirrorandCircleCIintegration|GitHub mirror and Circle CI integration]] below.
    2021* {{{2017-11-12}}}: Alexander Shaduri released [[|version 1.1.3 of GSmartControl]] (a graphical user interface for smartctl). Available for Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X and Windows.
    21 * {{{2017-11-05}}}: We released [[|version 6.6 of Smartmontools]].
    2222* {{{2017-07-30}}}: Our mailing lists moved from sourceforge to JPBerlin. '''(!) Please subscribe on the [/wiki/Help#Mailinglists new mailing lists]'''.
    2323* {{{2017-04-11}}}: We moved the [wiki:BadBlockHowto Bad block HOWTO for smartmontools] from the svn repository to the Trac wiki. So it is open now for your contributions of further recipes, case studies and comments.
    3838Sourcecode tarballs and precompiled packages for Darwin (macOS) and Windows are available at the [ project page at Sourceforge].
     40[[Image(, link=, alt="...", title="Total Downloads of 7.4")]]
     41[[Image(, link=, alt="...", title="Weekly Downloads of 7.4")]]
    4042[[Image(, link=, alt="...", title="Total Downloads of 7.3")]]
    41 [[Image(, link=, alt="...", title="Weekly Downloads of 7.3")]]
    42 [[Image(, link=, alt="...", title="Total Downloads of 7.1")]]
    4444[[Image(, link=, alt="...", title="Total Downloads since 2002")]]