Changes between Version 152 and Version 153 of WikiStart

Nov 21, 2017, 10:03:21 PM (7 years ago)
Alex Samorukov



  • WikiStart

    v152 v153  
    5959Patches are welcome! '''The most convenient way for us is, when you attach them to a [//newticket new ticket here in trac]'''. But it's also possible to submit patches for code review to [ developers mailinglist]. You don't need to be member of the mailinglist for it. Our list moderator will approve posting requests in these cases. Your patches should refer to our recent code base in [wiki:Download#InstalllatestunreleasedcodefromSVNrepository SVN]. You should also have a look at the documents in the [wiki:TocDeveloper developers area here in the wiki]. You will find info about smartmontools software architecture and tutorials and guidelines from our developers there.
    61 ==== GitHub mirror and Circle CI integration
    62 If you prefer to use git and github there is an [ official mirror] of the smartmontools project. Feel free to fork, submit PR-s and issues. Mirror is updated once in a 15 minutes from the sourceforge SVN. Also mirror is integrated with a Circle CI Continuous Integration and Delivery system, see [ builds page] for the details. Every commit to the GitHub triggers a new build and provides binaries as artifacts.
     61==== !GitHub mirror and Circle CI integration
     62If you prefer to use git and !GitHub there is an [ official mirror] of the smartmontools project. Feel free to fork, submit PR-s and issues. Mirror is updated once in a 15 minutes from the sourceforge SVN. Also mirror is integrated with a Circle CI Continuous Integration and Delivery system, see [ builds page] for the details. Every commit to the !GitHub triggers a new build and provides binaries as artifacts.
     66Build status: <img src=""/>
    6569==== Incident Reports ====