Change History for TocDoc

Version Date Author Comment
34 9 months Alex Samorukov Update links
33 9 months Alex Samorukov Fix broken link
32 2 years Gabriele Pohl New wiki page to collect vendor specs for SMART attributes
31 2 years Gabriele Pohl fixed another 404 in section case studies
30 2 years Gabriele Pohl fixed some 404 errors in section tutorials
29 7 years Gabriele Pohl fix link to show smartd man page instead of wrong smarctl man page
28 7 years Alex Samorukov Convert links to https where possible, fix broken link
27 7 years Gabriele Pohl Included new top navigation
26 7 years Gabriele Pohl link to new mailing list
25 7 years Gabriele Pohl Move Bad block HOWTO for smartmontools to the wiki
24 8 years Gabriele Pohl remove links to outdated pages
23 8 years Christian Franke Fix link (ticket #682)
22 9 years Gabriele Pohl Document vanished, but found in wayback machine :)
21 10 years Gabriele Pohl New Chapter "Case studies"
20 10 years Alex Samorukov Add link to the update-smart-drivedb manual, remove absolute url
19 10 years Alex Samorukov remove piwik
18 10 years Alex Samorukov update man pages url
17 10 years Christian Franke Move external resources to Links page
16 10 years Gabriele Pohl New wiki page for "Warnings"
15 13 years Gabriele Pohl Add piwik sensor
14 14 years Christian Franke Fix link to FAQ
13 14 years Gabriele Pohl recommend to focus the normalized values
12 14 years gnomeby Adding page for Transcend
11 14 years Gabriele Pohl New page for Francs *lectures on deciphering raw values*
10 15 years Gabriele Pohl Solid State Drives
9 15 years Gabriele Pohl grammar
8 15 years Gabriele Pohl smartd option to collect Attributes Raw Data
7 15 years Gabriele Pohl Deleted HTML-Code from section with wiki syntax
6 15 years Gabriele Pohl Insert global Menu, change local Toc to "inline" layout
5 15 years Gabriele Pohl One sentence as intro about the purpose of this page.
4 15 years Gabriele Pohl link was broken
3 15 years Gabriele Pohl Added section about Manpages, deleted section about device support
2 15 years Gabriele Pohl HTML special characters are not shown in Wiki Links. Set normal …
1 15 years Gabriele Pohl Build index to replace documentation page in smartmontools homepage