Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of News

Dec 31, 2019, 3:07:08 PM (5 years ago)
Christian Franke

Sync with start page, fix link


  • News

    v8 v9  
    99#!div class="wikipage"
     10* {{{2019-12-30}}}: **We released [[|version 7.1 of Smartmontools]]. See the [[/browser/tags/RELEASE_7_1/smartmontools/NEWS|NEWS]] file and the [[/query?milestone=Release+7.1|ticket report]] to get a summary of the changes and new features.**
     11* {{{2019-12-01}}}: Smartmontools website **migrated to the new server**. Please [[#IncidentReports|let us know]] in case of any issues.
     12* {{{2018-12-30}}}: We released [[|version 7.0 of Smartmontools]].
     13* {{{2018-10-17}}}: In the past we offered **daily builds** on [[|]]. Now we do automated builds **on every commit** to the [[/browser/trunk/smartmontools|repository]]. Read more about it in section [[#GitHubmirrorandCircleCIintegration|GitHub mirror and Circle CI integration]] below.
     14* {{{2018-03-04}}}: For multiple days now [[|Sourceforge is very unstable]]. Our downloads and SVN [[|are affected by their outages]]. **Please use our [[|github mirror]] and [[|download from there (github)]]** if you are experiencing any issues.
    1015* {{{2017-11-12}}}: Alexander Shaduri released [[|version 1.1.3 of GSmartControl]] (a graphical user interface for smartctl). Available for Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X and Windows.
    11 * {{{2017-11-05}}}: We released [[|version 6.6 of Smartmontools]]. See the [[/browser/tags/RELEASE_6_6/smartmontools/NEWS|NEWS]] file and the [[/query?milestone=Release+6.6|ticket report]] to get a summary of the changes and new features.
     16* {{{2017-11-05}}}: We released [[|version 6.6 of Smartmontools]].
    1217* {{{2017-10-10}}}: '''15th anniversary''' of [[/changeset/13|smartmontools first release]] :-) If you want to know more about the roots see our [[History|article about smartmontools history]]
    1318* {{{2017-09-25}}}: Alexander Shaduri released [[|version 1.1.1 of GSmartControl]] (a graphical user interface for smartctl). Available for Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X and Windows.
    1722* {{{2017-05-11}}}: Alexander Shaduri released [[|version 0.9.0 of GSmartControl]] (a graphical user interface for smartctl). Available for Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X and Windows.
    1823* {{{2017-04-11}}}: We moved the [wiki:BadBlockHowto Bad block HOWTO for smartmontools] from the svn repository to the Trac wiki. So it is open now for your contributions of further recipes, case studies and comments.
    19 * {{{2016-05-07}}}: We released [[|version 6.5 of Smartmontools]]. See the [[/browser/tags/RELEASE_6_5/smartmontools/NEWS|NEWS]] file and the [[/query?milestone=Release+6.5|ticket report]] to get a summary of the changes and new features.
    20 * {{{2016-04-09}}}: We added basic support for [[|NVMe]] devices to smartmontools for Windows. See [[wiki:NVMe_Support|NVMe wiki page]] for further info. Source tarball and binaries are available at [[|]]. Please report any issues [[/newticket|here in trac]] or on the [[|smartmontools support mailinglist]]
     24* {{{2016-05-07}}}: We released [[|version 6.5 of Smartmontools]].
     25* {{{2016-04-09}}}: We added basic support for [[|NVMe]] devices to smartmontools for Windows. See [[wiki:NVMe_Support|NVMe wiki page]] for further info.
    2126* {{{2016-03-20}}}: We added basic support for [[|NVMe]] devices to smartmontools on Linux and FreeBSD. See [[wiki:NVMe_Support|NVMe wiki page]] for further info.
    2227* {{{2015-10-10}}}: Our new website [[|]] provides daily builds from [[/browser/trunk/smartmontools|smartmontools SVN trunk]].
    3338* {{{2012-06-30}}}: We released [[|version 5.43 of Smartmontools]].
    3439* {{{2012-05-22}}}: The [[|OS-X-SAT-SMART-Driver]] provides access to SMART data for SAT capable USB and Firewire devices on Mac OS X. This works with existing smartmontools releases. See [[/ticket/25#comment:9"|ticket #25]] for further details.
    35 * {{{2010-12-09}}}: Samsung released an [[|important firmware patch for HD155UI and HD204UI]]. '''WARNING''': Do not use smartmontools or hdparm with these drives unless this patch is already installed. Drives manufactured December 2010 or later are not affected. See [[|this page]] for details.
     40* {{{2010-12-09}}}: Samsung released an [[|important firmware patch for HD155UI and HD204UI]]. '''WARNING''': Do not use smartmontools or hdparm with these drives unless this patch is already installed. Drives manufactured December 2010 or later are not affected. See [[wiki:SamsungF4EGBadBlocks|this page]] for details.