Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of Howto_ReadSmartctlReports_ATA_542.1

Jun 7, 2014, 12:22:17 PM (11 years ago)
Alex Samorukov

migrating from


  • Howto_ReadSmartctlReports_ATA_542.1

    v8 v9  
    12 <b># smartctl <a href="" title="With this option, the report will not list the /Serial Number/ of the device. Use it, when you present smartctl reports in the public."><font color="blue">-q noserial</font></a> -a /dev/ada30</b>
    13 smartctl <b><a href="FAQ#Whydidthereleaseversionschemechange" title="This is the /Version Number/ of smartmontools"><font color="red">5.42</font></a></b> 2011-10-20 <b><a href="" title="This is the /Revision Number/ of the sources in our SVN-Repository. So we know the exact version of each file, that was used to build your smartctl executable."><font color="red">r3458</font></a></b> [FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE-p4 amd64] (local build)
     12<b># smartctl <a href="/browser/trunk/smartmontools/" title="With this option, the report will not list the /Serial Number/ of the device. Use it, when you present smartctl reports in the public."><font color="blue">-q noserial</font></a> -a /dev/ada30</b>
     13smartctl <b><a href="FAQ#Whydidthereleaseversionschemechange" title="This is the /Version Number/ of smartmontools"><font color="red">5.42</font></a></b> 2011-10-20 <b><a href="/browser/trunk/smartmontools?rev=3458" title="This is the /Revision Number/ of the sources in our SVN-Repository. So we know the exact version of each file, that was used to build your smartctl executable."><font color="red">r3458</font></a></b> [FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE-p4 amd64] (local build)
    1414Copyright (C) 2002-11 by Bruce Allen,
    3434Offline data collection status:  (0x84) Offline data collection activity
    3535                                        was suspended by an interrupting command from host.
    36                                         Auto Offline Data Collection: <b><a href="" title="Offline testing is to be carried out, automatically, on a regular scheduled basis. 'smartctl --offlineauto=on' enables it. The results of this automatic or immediate offline testing (data collection) are reflected in the values of the SMART Attributes. Some SMART attribute values are updated /only/ during off-line data collection activities. These Attributes are labeled /Offline/ in the UPDATED column of the Attribute Table (see below)."><font color="DarkGreen">Enabled</font></a></b>.
     36                                        Auto Offline Data Collection: <b><a href="/browser/trunk/smartmontools/" title="Offline testing is to be carried out, automatically, on a regular scheduled basis. 'smartctl --offlineauto=on' enables it. The results of this automatic or immediate offline testing (data collection) are reflected in the values of the SMART Attributes. Some SMART attribute values are updated /only/ during off-line data collection activities. These Attributes are labeled /Offline/ in the UPDATED column of the Attribute Table (see below)."><font color="DarkGreen">Enabled</font></a></b>.
    3737Self-test execution status:      (   0) The previous self-test routine completed
    3838                                        without error or no self-test has ever
    187187SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
    188 Num  Test_Description    Status                  Remaining  LifeTime(hours) <b><a href="" title="If you find not a hyphen, but a number in this row, then the test found a /bad block/ at the listed logical block address (LBA). Follow this link to read our /Bad block HOWTO/. It gives instructions to solve this sort of problem."><font color="red">LBA_of_first_error</font></a></b>
     188Num  Test_Description    Status                  Remaining  LifeTime(hours) <b><a href="/browser/trunk/www/badblockhowto.xml" title="If you find not a hyphen, but a number in this row, then the test found a /bad block/ at the listed logical block address (LBA). Follow this link to read our /Bad block HOWTO/. It gives instructions to solve this sort of problem."><font color="red">LBA_of_first_error</font></a></b>
    189189# 1  Short offline       Completed without error       00%      7465         -
    231231In the error log the Logical Block Address (<b><a href="#LBA" title="Logical Block Address"><font color="blue">LBA</font></a></b>) at which the error occurred will be printed in base 16 and base 10.
    232232<a name="LBA"></a><h4>Logical Block Address</h4>
    233 The LBA is a linear address, which counts 512-byte sectors on the disk, starting from zero. (Because of the limitations of the SMART error log, if the LBA is greater than 0xfffffff, then either no error log entry will be made, or the error log entry will have an incorrect LBA. This may happen for drives with a capacity greater than 128 GiB or 137 GB.) For Linux systems the smartmontools web page has <a href="" title="Bad block HOWTO">instructions</a> about how to convert the LBA address to the name of the disk file containing the erroneous disk sector.
     233The LBA is a linear address, which counts 512-byte sectors on the disk, starting from zero. (Because of the limitations of the SMART error log, if the LBA is greater than 0xfffffff, then either no error log entry will be made, or the error log entry will have an incorrect LBA. This may happen for drives with a capacity greater than 128 GiB or 137 GB.) For Linux systems the smartmontools web page has <a href="/browser/trunk/www/badblockhowto.xml" title="Bad block HOWTO">instructions</a> about how to convert the LBA address to the name of the disk file containing the erroneous disk sector.