Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of Howto_ReadSmartctlReports_ATA

Jul 15, 2010, 9:43:14 PM (15 years ago)
Gabriele Pohl

explain column WHEN_FAILED


  • Howto_ReadSmartctlReports_ATA

    v15 v16  
    5757SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 10
    5858Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
    59 ID# <b><a href="TocDoc#SMARTAttributes" title="If your drive is not in the database, the names of the Attributes may be incorrect. Also note that starting with ATA/ATAPI-4, revision 4, the meaning of these Attribute fields have been made /entirely vendor-specific/. We collect info about the SMART attributes in separate wiki pages for the different vendors. Click the link to get there and choose the appropriate one."><font color="blue">ATTRIBUTE_NAME<font></a></b>          FLAG     <b><a href="TocDoc#SMARTAttributes" title="These are /NORMALIZED/ attribute values in the range 1-254. They are calculated by the vendors firmware using his detailed knowledge of the disk's operations and failure mode. Smartmontools only /report/ these."><font color="blue">VALUE<font></a></b> <b><a href="#Worst" title="This is the smallest (/closest to failure/) value that the disk has recorded at any time during its lifetime when SMART was enabled."><font color="browne">WORST</font></a></b> <b><a href="#Thresh" title="Each Attribute also has a Threshold value (whose range is 0 to 255). If the Normalized value (printed in column VALUE) is less than or equal to the Threshold value, then the Attribute is said to have failed. If the Attribute is a pre-failure Attribute, then disk failure is imminent."><font color="red">THRESH</font></a></b> <b><a href="#Attribute_Type" title="Attributes are one of two possible types: /Pre-fail/ or /Old_age/. Pre-failure Attributes are ones which, if less than or equal to their threshold values, indicate pending disk failure. Old age, or usage Attributes, are ones which indicate end-of-product life from old-age or normal aging and wearout, if the Attribute value is less than or equal to the threshold."><font color="DarkGreen">TYPE</font></a></b>      <b><a href="#When_Udated" title="Info in column /UPDATED/ shows if the SMART Attribute values are updated during both normal operation and off-line testing, or only during offline testing. The former are labeled /Always/ and the latter are labeled /Offline/"><font color="DarkGreen">UPDATED</font></a></b>  WHEN_FAILED RAW_VALUE
     59ID# <b><a href="TocDoc#SMARTAttributes" title="If your drive is not in the database, the names of the Attributes may be incorrect. Also note that starting with ATA/ATAPI-4, revision 4, the meaning of these Attribute fields have been made /entirely vendor-specific/. We collect info about the SMART attributes in separate wiki pages for the different vendors. Click the link to get there and choose the appropriate one."><font color="blue">ATTRIBUTE_NAME<font></a></b>          FLAG     <b><a href="TocDoc#SMARTAttributes" title="These are /NORMALIZED/ attribute values in the range 1-254. They are calculated by the vendors firmware using his detailed knowledge of the disk's operations and failure mode. Smartmontools only /report/ these."><font color="blue">VALUE<font></a></b> <b><a href="#Worst" title="This is the smallest (/closest to failure/) value that the disk has recorded at any time during its lifetime when SMART was enabled."><font color="browne">WORST</font></a></b> <b><a href="#Thresh" title="Each Attribute also has a Threshold value (whose range is 0 to 255). If the Normalized value (printed in column VALUE) is less than or equal to the Threshold value, then the Attribute is said to have failed. If the Attribute is a pre-failure Attribute, then disk failure is imminent."><font color="red">THRESH</font></a></b> <b><a href="#Attribute_Type" title="Attributes are one of two possible types: /Pre-fail/ or /Old_age/. Pre-failure Attributes are ones which, if less than or equal to their threshold values, indicate pending disk failure. Old age, or usage Attributes, are ones which indicate end-of-product life from old-age or normal aging and wearout, if the Attribute value is less than or equal to the threshold."><font color="DarkGreen">TYPE</font></a></b>      <b><a href="#When_Udated" title="Info in column /UPDATED/ shows if the SMART Attribute values are updated during both normal operation and off-line testing, or only during offline testing. The former are labeled /Always/ and the latter are labeled /Offline/"><font color="DarkGreen">UPDATED</font></a></b>  <b><a href="#When_Failed" title="If the Attribute's current /Normalized value/ is less than or equal to the threshold value, then the /WHEN_FAILED/ column will display /FAILING_NOW/. If not, but the worst recorded value is less than or equal to the threshold value, then this column will display /In_the_past/. If the /WHEN_FAILED/ column has no entry (indicated by a dash: '-') then this Attribute is OK now (not failing) and has also never failed in the past."><font color="red">WHEN_FAILED</font></a></b> RAW_VALUE
    6060  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x000f   054   051   006    Pre-fail  Always       -       141524796
    6161  3 Spin_Up_Time            0x0003   097   097   000    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
    122122Note that if an Attribute is of type 'Pre-fail', it does not mean that your disk is about to fail!
    123123It only has this meaning if the Attribute's current Normalized value is less than or equal to the threshold value.
    124 <a name="When_Udated"></a><h4>Updated</h4>
     124<a name="When_Udated"></a><h4>Column Updated</h4>
    125125Some SMART attributes values, that are updated only during <em>off-line data collection</em> activities are labeled "Offline" in column "UPDATED".
     126<a name="When_Failed"></a><h4>Column "When Failed"</h4>
     127If the Attribute's current "Normalized value" is less than or equal to the threshold value, then the attribute is marked with "FAILING_NOW" in column WHEN_FAILED.