Opened 10 months ago
Closed 3 weeks ago
#1822 closed enhancement (duplicate)
<ATP SATAIII SSD> Add additional model name information to the database
Reported by: | ATPElectronics | Owned by: | |
Priority: | minor | Milestone: | |
Component: | drivedb | Version: | |
Keywords: | ssd | Cc: |
Hi, please kindly help update the database with the attached patch file.
Thank you very much for your help.
Attachments (4)
Change History (8)
by , 10 months ago
Attachment: | smartctl-ATP-SATAIII_M.2_2242_SSD.patch added |
comment:1 by , 10 months ago
Component: | all → drivedb |
Keywords: | ssd added |
Milestone: | → undecided |
Type: | defect → enhancement |
by , 6 months ago
Attachment: | AT_ AF120GSTIA-AW2.txt added |
by , 6 months ago
Attachment: | drivedb_ATP_AF-FT-FA.h added |
by , 6 months ago
Attachment: | drivedb.h.patch added |
comment:2 by , 6 months ago
Per request
- Please provide a sample smartctl -x -a output. This is mandatory for each new entry.
Please refer to the file "AT_ AF120GSTIA-AW2.txt"
- Comment out all -v options which are covered by the DEFAULT entry.
Please refer to the new drivedb file "drivedb_ATP_AF-FT-FA.h"
The file is modified from the latest version "RELEASE_7_2_DRIVEDB"
- The patch is in reverse context diff format. Please provide patches as forward unified diffs.
Please refer to the file drivedb.h.patch.
We used the diff command:
# diff drivedb_ATP_AF-FT-FA.h drivedb_RELEASE_7_2_DRIVEDB.h
< "ATP (AF|FT|FA).*",
< "", "",
< "-v 1,raw48,Raw_Read_Error_Count "
< "-v 5,raw16(raw16),Reallocated_Sector_Ct "
< "-v 9,raw24(raw8),Power_On_Hours "
< "-v 12,raw48,Power_Cycle_Count "
< "-v 14,raw48,Device_Raw_Capacity "
< "-v 15,raw48,Device_User_Capacity "
< "-v 16,raw48,Initial_Spare_Blocks "
< "-v 17,raw48,Remaining_Spare_Blocks "
< "-v 100,raw48,Total_Erease_Count "
< "-v 160,raw48,Uncorrectable_Sectors "
< "-v 172,raw48,Block_Erase_Failure "
< "-v 173,raw48,Max_Erase_Count "
< "-v 174,raw48,Unexpected_Power_Cycle "
< "-v 175,raw48,Average_Erase_Count "
< "-v 181,raw48,Program_Fail_Blocks "
< "-v 187,raw48,Reported_UE_Counts "
< "-v 194,raw48,Device_Temperature "
< "-v 195,raw48,Hardware_ECC_Recovered "
< "-v 197,raw48,Pending_Block_Counts "
< "-v 198,raw48,Offline_Surface_Scan "
< "-v 199,raw48,SATA_FIS_CRC_Errors "
< "-v 202,raw48,Percent_Lifetime_Used "
< "-v 205,raw48,Thermal_Asperity_Rate "
< "-v 231,raw48,Controller_Temperature "
< "-v 234,raw48,Nand_Sectors_Read "
< "-v 235,raw48,Device_Sectors_Written "
< "-v 241,raw48,Nand_Sectors_Written "
< "-v 242,raw48,Device_Sectors_Read "
< "-v 248,raw48,Life_Remaining "
< "-v 249,raw48,Spare_Block_Remaining "
< },
comment:4 by , 3 weeks ago
Milestone: | undecided |
Resolution: | → duplicate |
Status: | new → closed |
See ticket #1922 which provides an enhanced patch.
smartctl -x -a
output. This is mandatory for each new entry.-v
options which are covered by theDEFAULT