Opened 2 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#1644 closed defect (invalid)

SMART Status not supported: Incomplete response, ATA output registers missing (CCISS)

Reported by: fereshtehloghmani Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: all Version:
Keywords: cciss linux Cc:


I user server HP (DL360 G8) and raid controller p420i.
I install smart on this server and I have some SATA and SSD hards that all of them are in a raid.
when i use these command like:
smartctl -a -d cciss,0 /dev/sg1
smartctl -a -d cciss,0 /dev/sda

i receive this error:
SMART Status not supported: Incomplete response, ATA output registers missing

could you please help me with how can I monitor all kinds of hard in G8 and G7 HP servers? and is this problem related to the type of raid controller or type of server or something like this?

thanks in advance

Attachments (2) (137.1 KB ) - added by fereshtehloghmani 2 years ago.
out.txt (162.7 KB ) - added by fereshtehloghmani 2 years ago.

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Change History (7)

by fereshtehloghmani, 2 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:1 by Christian Franke, 2 years ago

Keywords: cciss linux added; HP raid controller smart removed
Milestone: undecided
Priority: majorminor
Summary: SMART Status not supported: Incomplete response, ATA output registers missingSMART Status not supported: Incomplete response, ATA output registers missing (CCISS)

This is likely a bug or limitation of the SATL (SCSI/ATA Translation Layer) in controller driver or firmware.

For further diagnostics, please provide output of

smartctl -r ioctl,2 -H -d cciss,0 /dev/sg1

as an attachment to this ticket. Do not use screenshots, redirect smartctl output to a file and attach this file instead.

comment:2 by fereshtehloghmani, 2 years ago

hello again
thank you for your response and here I provided the output of this command in the attachment.

Version 0, edited 2 years ago by fereshtehloghmani (next)

by fereshtehloghmani, 2 years ago

Attachment: out.txt added

comment:3 by fereshtehloghmani, 2 years ago

I take another test on G8 and G9 hp server but this time with hp sas hard.
In this case when i run command:
smartctl -a -d cciss,0 /dev/sda
i didnt receive the error that i mention in firt ticket.
Now could you please help me is the that error related to SSD hard(in my firt test my hard was ssd evo 850 samsung) it means is it related to type of hard like ssd or sata hards? Or is my hard has a problem?

comment:4 by Christian Franke, 2 years ago

SMART Status not supported: Incomplete response, ATA output registers missing

This means that the SATL (SCSI/ATA Translation Layer) does not return ATA output registers properly. The SAT standards require that the ATA PASSTHROUGH SCSI commands return these registers in SCSI sense data if requested. This is not properly implemented here.

This is a typical limitation or bug in controller driver or firmware. This does not indicate disk problems.

If this occurs, smartctl check the attributes instead, which results in this output:

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
Warning: This result is based on an Attribute check.

SAS disks are not affected by this bug, because ATA PASSTHROUGH is not used.

comment:5 by Christian Franke, 2 years ago

Milestone: undecided
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

This is a bug in controller driver or firmware. Cannot be fixed by smartctl.

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