Opened 6 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#1202 closed patch (fixed)

Add Apacer SSDs to drivedb

Reported by: kobegao Owned by: Christian Franke
Priority: minor Milestone: Release 7.2
Component: drivedb Version:
Keywords: ssd Cc:


Dear JPBerlin,

I am Apacer Software Engineer, and we want add new smart feature to the drivedb.h as below:

  { "Apacer SSD",
    "[0-9]{1,3}(G|T)B SATA Flash Drive",
    "SF(D[^ABCD]|M[A-Z]|P[A-Z])[0-9A-Z][0-9]{2}[A-Z]", "",
    "-v 9,raw48,Power_On_Hours "
    "-v 12,raw48,Power_Cycle_Count "
    "-v 163,raw48,Max_Erase_Count "
    "-v 164,raw48,Average_Erase_Count "
    "-v 166,raw48,Total_Later_Bad_Block_Count "
    "-v 167,raw48,SSD_Protect_Mode "
    "-v 168,raw48,SATA_PHY_Error_Count "
    "-v 171,raw48,Program_Fail_Count "
    "-v 172,raw48,Erase_Fail_Count "
    "-v 175,raw48,Bad_Cluster_Table_Count "
    "-v 192,raw48,Unexpected_Power_Loss_Count "
    "-v 231,raw48,Lifetime_Left "
    "-v 241,raw48,Total_Sectors_Of_Write "

Could you help to update the database? Or Is any other information must provided by us?

Thanks for help.

Best Regards,

Attachments (4)

apacer_smartmontool_db.txt (868 bytes ) - added by kobegao 4 years ago.
smartctl_x_output.txt (7.9 KB ) - added by kobegao 4 years ago.
apacer_drivedb.h (859 bytes ) - added by kobegao 4 years ago.
smartctl_x_output2.txt (6.9 KB ) - added by kobegao 4 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (17)

comment:1 by Christian Franke, 6 years ago

Keywords: ssd added
Milestone: undecided
Priority: majorminor



  • Please always provide a sample smartctl -x (don't use -a, see man page) output of at least one affected drive. See the FAQ for further info.
  • PLEASE TEST new entries before submission (see -P showall on smartctl man page). The submitted entry contains syntax errors:
    $ smartctl -B ./drivedb-ticket1202.h -P showall
                        166 Total_Later_Bad_Block_Count
              Error: Attribute name too long ------^
                        192 Unexpected_Power_Loss_Count
              Error: Attribute name too long ------^
    Found 2 syntax error(s) in database.
  • -v options with are already covered by the DEFAULT entry should be commented-out (see various other SSD entries for examples).


Dear JPBerlin,

BTW, we are not JPBerlin :-)
JPBerlin hosts our mailing lists.

comment:2 by Christian Franke, 6 years ago

See also ticket #1209.

comment:3 by Christian Franke, 6 years ago

There is a smartctl output for a matching device on the old smartmontools-database list:

Please note that changeset r4907 (ticket #1183) already added an entry for Apacer SDM5/5A/5A-M Series SSD Module. Its firmware regex SF(DK004A|DE001A) matches a subset of the above SF(D[^ABCD]|M[A-Z]|P[A-Z])[0-9A-Z][0-9]{2}[A-Z]. See drivedb.h file.

Please enhance this existing entry or change the new entry accordingly.

comment:4 by kobegao, 4 years ago

Dear Christian,

Because there are too many kind of series of Apacer products. So it could be difficult to provide smartctl -x output of all sample. Could we provide more accurate rule of model name and firmware name instead of smartctl output?
In addition, because Apacer smart has unique attribute name, Is it possible to show the full attribute name for our product?

Thanks for help.
Best Regards,

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by Christian Franke, 4 years ago

Replying to kobegao:

... Could we provide more accurate rule of model name and firmware name instead of smartctl output?

At least one smartctl -x output is mandatory as a test case for each drive database entry. If several drive variants are covered by one entry, it is not needed to provide outputs for each variant.

In addition, because Apacer smart has unique attribute name, Is it possible to show the full attribute name for our product?

  • Attribute name length is limited to 24 chars.
  • We may later change names to avoid that different names are used for the same attribute meaning.

See also above comments.

Version 0, edited 4 years ago by Christian Franke (next)

by kobegao, 4 years ago

Attachment: apacer_smartmontool_db.txt added

by kobegao, 4 years ago

Attachment: smartctl_x_output.txt added

comment:6 by kobegao, 4 years ago

Dear Christian,

After internal discussion, we modify the rule of model name ,firmware name and attribute name in the file "apacer_smartmontool_db.txt" and provide one output in the file "smartctl_x_output.txt", please refer to the attachment.

If there is anything I can do, please let me know.

comment:7 by Christian Franke, 4 years ago


  • TESTING IS MANDATORY. The submitted entry still contains syntax errors:
    $ smartctl -B +apacer_smartmontool_db.txt -P showall 'SH250-M242 128GB SSD'
    apacer_smartmontool_db.txt(5): Syntax error, '}' expected

Hint: Extra ,, missing |, see many other entries for examples how multiline regexp works.

  • Model Family string should not be empty.

by kobegao, 4 years ago

Attachment: apacer_drivedb.h added

comment:8 by kobegao, 4 years ago

Dear Christian,

please check the attachment "apacer_drivedb.h"
update the item as below:

  1. modify the syntax error
  2. add model family


comment:9 by Christian Franke, 4 years ago

Milestone: undecidedRelease 7.2

Looks better, thanks.

Please provide also a sample smartctl -x output of a device matching the first part of the regexp (...GB SATA Flash Drive). I want to make sure that the new entry is consistent with the existing two entries. See ticket #1183 and output of:

smartctl -B +apacer_drivedb.h -P showall '16GB SATA Flash Drive'

comment:10 by Christian Franke, 4 years ago

Summary: Update Apacer SMART FeatureAdd Apacer SSDs to drivedb

by kobegao, 4 years ago

Attachment: smartctl_x_output2.txt added

comment:11 by kobegao, 4 years ago

Dear Christian,
please check the attachment "smartctl_x_output2.txt"
the test sample model name is "120GB SATA Flash Drive"


comment:12 by Christian Franke, 4 years ago

Owner: set to Christian Franke
Status: newaccepted

comment:13 by Christian Franke, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed
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