Opened 7 years ago

Closed 22 months ago

#1018 closed enhancement (fixed)

allow for constant re-sending of warnings

Reported by: calestyo Owned by: Christian Franke
Priority: minor Milestone: Release 7.4
Component: smartd Version: 6.6
Keywords: smartd.conf Cc: Nathan Stratton Treadway



This kinda overlaps with #1017.

Right now, AFAIU, smartd will emit a warning only once per day.
E.g. if my temperature rises over the threshold, I get the warning, but no further one, if it does again (or simply if it stays over the threshold all time).

AFAIU it's the same for other attributes:
E.g. if an reallocated block shows up, I'll get a warning (per day)... but if after that first occurrence (on that day) the number of reallocated blocks increase further, I would not get one until the next day.

Now having one reallocated block, may be not considered that alarming, so on the first occurrence I would perhaps simply say... well... forget about it.
But if more were to come in short time, I'd probably start with backups/replacement immediately.

However, due to the behaviour that such warning comes only once a day,... I wouldn't even notice the further incidents.

For that reason, I think it would be nice if one could set the interval in which new warnings are emitted. Like e.g. "on every case"... or "every 10 mins".


Change History (6)

in reply to:  description comment:1 by Christian Franke, 7 years ago

Component: allsmartd
Milestone: undecided

Right now, AFAIU, smartd will emit a warning only once per day.
E.g. if my temperature rises over the threshold, I get the warning, but no further one, if it does again (or simply if it stays over the threshold all time).

Quote from smartd.conf man page:
The warning email counter is reset if the temperature dropped below INFO or CRIT-5 if INFO is not specified.

Then a warning email will be sent immediately when the over threshold condition is detected again. If the condition persists, a reminder email will be sent once per day.

AFAIU it's the same for other attributes:
E.g. if an reallocated block shows up, I'll get a warning (per day)... but if after that first occurrence (on that day) the number of reallocated blocks increase further, I would not get one until the next day.

A simple enhancement would be a -M always directive to sent warning emails always when a LOG_CRIT entry is written to syslog.

Events ("Xcurrent > Xprevious") should possibly be handled differently from Conditions ("X > LIMIT").

comment:2 by Christian Franke, 7 years ago

Ticket #1017 has been marked as a duplicate of this ticket.

comment:3 by Nathan Stratton Treadway, 6 years ago

Cc: Nathan Stratton Treadway added

comment:4 by Christian Franke, 22 months ago

Keywords: smartd.conf added
Milestone: undecidedRelease 7.4
Owner: set to Christian Franke
Status: newaccepted

comment:5 by Christian Franke, 22 months ago

See also GH issues/153.

comment:6 by Christian Franke, 22 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

Added -M always directive in r5428.

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