Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 1434)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#804 CSMI ports != 0 no longer accessible after an update of IRST driver to 15.2 Christian Franke defect major Release 6.6 all
#811 Replace -d scsi by -d sat, due to "no SMART info" by -d scsi, when use smartctl --scan defect minor smartctl
#817 Smard : Failed to read Temperature Christian Franke defect minor Release 6.6 smartd
#822 The -q noserial option doesnt sanitise SAS address in some places Christian Franke defect minor Release 6.6 smartctl
#834 Fix OS/2 support in the smartmontools defect minor Release 6.6 all
#849 TS64GSSD370S - problems with self-tests defect minor smartctl
#854 drivedb.h parser ignores lines with // comments defect major drivedb
#878 New WDC WD2500AVVS shows some non-zero attributes defect minor smartctl
#911 StorFly VSFCS2CC060G-100 SSD not in the database defect minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#915 Clang generates warnings on compilation "taking address of packed member" on the atacmds.cpp Christian Franke defect minor Release 6.6 all
#918 Bugtracker doesn't show my tickets defect minor wiki
#925 creating test ticket to test new trac version defect minor all
#939 drivedb correction: Innolite Satadom D150QV-L defect minor Release 7.0 drivedb
#940 SCT Support Level no longer valid field in ACS3 or 4 Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.0 smartctl
#943 NetBSD regression in smartmontools 6.6 defect critical Release 7.0 all
#944 WD Hard Drive smartd[484]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Usage Attribute: 194 Temperature_Celsius changed from 102 to 100 defect minor smartd
#947 Windows 10 To Go: IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY(NVMe) failed, Error=1117 defect minor all
#971 No SMART access to Seagate devices under Linux if UAS is used defect minor all
#1008 JMicron 152d:0539 always run smart check only over the first disk defect minor all
#1013 -M exec overrides -M <others> defect major smartd
#1036 DEVICESCAN / --scan fails if multiple types specified Christian Franke defect major Release 7.0 all
#1044 Syntax error using smartctl defect minor smartctl
#1056 2 KiB too large "User Capacity" reported for Toshiba MQ03UBB300 defect minor smartctl
#1063 smartd_mailer.ps1 does not work defect minor smartd
#1069 Maxtor M3 Portable 4TB defect minor all
#1078 smart not supported on external hdd maxtor m3 ? defect minor all
#1080 smartd.service: Use Type=forking to wait for successful initialisation defect minor smartd
#1092 Seagate Backup Plus Hub 8 TB defect minor all
#1132 attrlog files contains attribute strings for SCSI disks, but attribute numbers for ATA disks defect minor smartd
#1134 Read NVMe SMART/Health Information failed: NVMe Status 0x6002 defect major Release 7.0 all
#1138 Typo in / smartmontools / Christian Franke defect trivial Release 7.0 smartd
#1153 Command timeout occurred when I used the command "smartctl -C -t short" on HDD test defect critical smartctl
#1154 Bogus smartctl exception on unknown ATA form factor value [regression] Christian Franke defect critical Release 7.1 smartctl
#1164 Incorrect value in SMART attribute 190 when using JSON output defect minor smartctl
#1167 wrong temperature in smartd but correct in smartctl defect minor smartd
#1170 Windows builds: No effect of ASLR due to missing relocation information Christian Franke defect major Release 7.1 all
#1184 Can't show RPM of HD without run cmd as admin defect minor smartctl
#1186 Under CentOS 7.5, smartctl fails to read SMART data on changed drive behind MegaRAID defect minor all
#1195 Incorrect time of self-test defect minor smartctl
#1201 SmartCtl on Windows10 sets logpage offset to high value. Christian Franke defect major Release 7.1 all
#1207 WD Red 6TB - WDC WD60EFAX-68SHWN0 reports wrong self-test polling time recommendation defect minor smartctl
#1211 I can not start smartd on my machine (SUSE SLES12-SP3) defect minor smartd
#1215 smartctl selects the wrong NVMe device defect major all
#1220 smartctl tests are not logged for SanDisk SDSSDA240G drive defect minor smartctl
#1225 Missed info for SAS SSD after update of smartmontools from 5.43 to 7.0 defect major Release 7.1 smartctl
#1226 licensing problems of linux_nvme_ioctl.h Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.1 all
#1227 Crucial/Micron client SSDs: Don't interpret attribute 197 as Current_Pending_Sector Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.2 drivedb
#1233 smartctl exit code 4. "scsiPrintFormatStatus: Failed" in -a output defect minor smartctl
#1237 segfault issues after upgrading to 7.0-1 defect major smartctl
#1239 Limited SMART output on Samsung PM1633a when upgrading from smartctl 6.5 Doug Gilbert defect major Release 7.1 smartctl
#1241 BUG: Dead ssd during Extended test (KingDian S200) defect critical all
#1247 LVM on M.2 errors in smartctl defect minor smartctl
#1248 smartd fails to start when no disks are present defect minor smartd
#1250 Checkout from trunk does not build due to missing header files defect minor all
#1258 Error Counter logging not supported (SAMSUNG MZILT800HAHQ0D3) defect major Release 7.1 smartctl
#1265 sample ticket defect minor all
#1272 Missing SMART data from hpsa SAS devices (HP EG0900FBLSK) defect minor Release 7.2 all
#1275 INTEL SSDSC2BF180A5L: Self-tests always abort immediately defect minor all
#1278 update-smart-drivedb: Older releases return *** BAD signature *** Christian Franke defect major Release 7.2 all
#1279 update-smart-drivedb: Older releases return *** BAD signature *** defect major drivedb
#1285 Smartctl on Sandforce OCZ-VERTEX3 appears to decode xselftest log badly defect major smartctl
#1288 Could not add entry to USB page defect minor wiki
#1294 Crucial MX500: bogus raw values in attribute 197 defect minor Release 7.2 drivedb
#1303 Physical block size not displayed after a drive reset Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.3 smartctl
#1306 DataError when trying to edit Wiki defect minor wiki
#1311 Crucial MX500 firmware M3CR010 also returns bogus attribute 197 Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.2 drivedb
#1312 seagate usb3 8TB drive (0x0bc2:0x3343) defect minor all
#1319 SATA drives in SIIG 3.0 gbps 2 drive enclosure reports error. defect minor all
#1330 Device not yet supported: SEAGATE Expansion Desktop, 6.0TB (STEB6000403) defect minor all
#1331 smartctl 7.1 doesn't show attributes on Seagate SAS drives but 6.6 does defect minor Release 7.2 smartctl
#1336 Crucial MX500 firmware M3CR032 also returns bogus attribute 197 Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.2 drivedb
#1339 smartctl -n standby wakes WD USB drive defect minor all
#1344 Seagate BUP Portable defect minor all
#1345 Receive smartctl error msg whenever I startup my Windows laptop defect minor smartctl
#1346 Seagate ST2000NM0001 is not working correctly with smartctl defect minor Release 7.2 all
#1352 Vantec-SATA-IDE-Adapter-CB-ISA225-U3-Innostor Technology Corporation defect minor all
#1390 -d ignore doesn't work if target is a symbolic link to a device Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.2 smartd
#1397 Don't report ATA attribute failure if value is equal to threshold Christian Franke defect minor all
#1404 "smartctl -l error" on NVMe device crashes the Linux kernel Christian Franke defect major Release 7.2 all
#1413 Some SCSI Drives spin up when using -n option. Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.3 smartctl
#1418 Self-test log life time resets after a certain Power_On_Hours value defect minor smartctl
#1434 NMVe SMART/Health Critical Warning Bit 3 (0x4) not necessary an error defect minor all
#1439 smartmontools compile fails with "undefined reference to `__stack_chk_guard'" Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.3 all
#1441 smartctl exit status 4 if SAT layer ignores CK_COND Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.3 smartctl
#1447 Unknown USB bridge [0x1058:0x264d (0x3012)] defect minor all
#1453 Short offline self test failed [unsupported scsi opcode] defect minor all
#1454 Mail is only sent one recipient from the -m list, not counting plugins (smartd), the last one. Christian Franke defect major Release 7.3 smartd
#1463 Samsung NVME Power on Hours: - space between the digits of the value defect minor smartctl
#1465 Use of wrong devicename in autodetection unter OpenBSD Christian Franke defect major Release 7.3 all
#1466 Timeout too short for some devices under openBSD Christian Franke defect major Release 7.3 all
#1467 Autodetection under OpenBSD assumes full SCSI for sd-Devices defect minor Release 7.3 all
#1472 HP Smart Array connected disk don't need -d cciss,N when in HBA mode Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.3 all
#1473 Read NVMe Identify Controller failed: IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT failed, Error=87 defect minor all
#1481 Spam defect minor all
#1482 Spam defect minor all
#1483 Spam defect minor all
#1498 SAS SSD disks: Defect list not found and Recovered Error message defect major smartctl
#1501 Buffer I/O error logical block async page read (TOSHIBA MQ01ABD100) defect major all
#1508 MKNSSDS2500GB defect minor all
#1521 Wearout not correct Transcend TS512GMTE220S defect minor smartctl
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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