Custom Query (1433 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 1433)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#243 Request adding LSI megaraid card support on windows somebody enhancement major all
#244 Request adding LSI megaraid card support on windows somebody enhancement major smartctl
#205 Request for 3ware stdin support to smartctl in Linux enhancement minor smartctl
#861 Requesting Addition of Micron 5100 ECO, PRO, and MAX Models to drivedb.h enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#167 Resend warning email when a problem reappears Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.42 smartd
#182 Rework messages about unsupported features Christian Franke task minor Release 6.0 smartctl
#610 Rosewill Armer RX307-PU3-35B -- 0x4971:0x8017 (0x8104) -- long test keeps aborting defect major smartctl
#704 SAMSUNG MZHPV512HDGL-00000 not in Current DataBase Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#1109 SAMSUNG MZMPF032HCFV-000H1: Not in smartctl database Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.0 drivedb
#1382 SAMSUNG MZVLQ512HALU-00000 enhancement minor drivedb
#1384 SAMSUNG MZYLN256HCHP-000L2 Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.2 drivedb
#873 SAMSUNG-MZ7LN512HMJP-00000 enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#962 SAMSUNG-PM863a 1T9 enhancement minor Release 7.0 drivedb
#961 SAMSUNG-PM863a 960GB enhancement minor Release 7.0 drivedb
#1091 SANDISK ULTRA 3D SSD (SanDisk SDSSDH3250G) Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.1 drivedb
#1358 SANDISK ULTRA 3D SSD 4TB (SanDisk SDSSDH3 4T00) Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.2 drivedb
#1498 SAS SSD disks: Defect list not found and Recovered Error message defect major smartctl
#202 SAT auto-detection support for the HP Smart Array RAID controllers Christian Franke enhancement major Release 5.43 all
#176 SATA drive in an external USB connect enclosure somebody defect major all
#1319 SATA drives in SIIG 3.0 gbps 2 drive enclosure reports error. defect minor all
#1694 SATA fix for 3snic raid controller Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.4 all
#9 SCSI devices are exported 2 times to smartd Alex Samorukov defect major all
#25 SCSI pass through for SMART via USB on MacOSX smartmontools? 3rd party code available! cooties enhancement minor all
#226 SCSI passthrough on OS X somebody enhancement major all
#940 SCT Support Level no longer valid field in ACS3 or 4 Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.0 smartctl
#1046 SEAGATE ST12000NM0007 enhancement minor Release 7.0 drivedb
#672 SG9XCS2D50GE01 missing from SmartDB enhancement minor Release 6.5 drivedb
#1517 SHGS31-1000GS-2 (SK hynix S31) Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.3 drivedb
#1146 SK hynix HFS128G39TND-N210A Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.1 drivedb
#792 SK hynix SC 308 - add to database enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#724 SK hynix SC210 mSATA 256GB enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#874 SK hynix SC210, SC300, SC308, SC313 HFS256G32TNF-N3A0A patch minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#1661 SK hynix SC308 SATA 256GB - not in database enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#1267 SK hynix SC311 SATA 512GB enhancement minor Release 7.1 drivedb
#1809 SK hynix SSD not in database (HFS1T9G32FEH-BA10A) enhancement minor drivedb
#1775 SK hynix's SATA drives are not in the smartctl/smartd database enhancement minor all
#33 SMART Automatic Offline Testing periodicity Dan Lukes enhancement minor all
#162 SMART Status command failed error somebody defect major all
#1644 SMART Status not supported: Incomplete response, ATA output registers missing (CCISS) defect minor all
#1751 SMART Test never ending and cannot be stopped defect major smartctl
#779 SMART attribute 22 in WD RED drives enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#1409 SMART attribute 22 reported as "Unknown attribute" on recent WDC_WD120EDAZ hard drives Gabriele Pohl enhancement minor Release 7.4 drivedb
#319 SMART attribute differences between Windows and Linux somebody defect major drivedb
#1772 SMART db request: Argon EON USB-to-SATA (0x174e:0x1155, 0x1741:0x1156, "Pinas") Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.5 drivedb
#1771 SMART db request: Seagate FireCuda HDD (0x0bc2:0x2021) enhancement minor drivedb
#246 SMART detecting defect? somebody defect major smartctl
#793 SMART error (FailedReadSmartSelfTestLog) detected on host: xxx defect major all
#38 SMART errors upon resuming from suspend Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.42 smartd
#113 SMARTD_DEVICE and ...TYPE cannot be used for smartctl parameters Christian Franke defect major Release 5.40 smartd
#248 SSD disks wrong monitoring somebody defect major smartd
#1110 SSD not in database: TOSHIBA THNSNJ128GCSU enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#1318 SSD profile NOT found in database (CT500MX500SSD4) enhancement minor Release 7.0 drivedb
#1145 ST1000LM035-1RK172 enhancement minor Release 7.1 drivedb
#1341 ST16000NE000-2RW103 is not in the smartctl/smartd database Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.2 drivedb
#910 ST3160316AS not is not in the database enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#816 ST4000LM024: Runtime_Bad_Block should be SATA_Downshift_Error_Count enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#913 ST4000NM0035-1V4 drive is not in the smartmontool database enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#806 Samsung Evo 850 / Seagate-Firecuda-ST2000DC002 enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#132 Samsung G2 Portable works with -d usbjmicron Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.41 drivedb
#1463 Samsung NVME Power on Hours: - space between the digits of the value defect minor smartctl
#1562 Samsung PM1643a truncated SMART on smartctl versions after 6.6 defect minor Release 7.3 smartctl
#1052 Samsung PM841 MZMTD512HAGL Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.0 drivedb
#635 Samsung SSD 850 EVO mSATA 120GB enhancement major Release 6.5 drivedb
#1051 Samsung SSD 860 EVO 1TB mSATA Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.0 drivedb
#1040 Samsung SSD 860 EVO 2TB Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.0 drivedb
#1059 Samsung SSD 860 EVO mSATA 250GB Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.0 drivedb
#1034 Samsung SSD 860 EVO mSATA 500GB Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.0 drivedb
#1068 Samsung SSD 860 PRO not in Database enhancement minor drivedb
#1457 Samsung SSD 860 QVO 1TB: Device is: Not in smartctl database Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.3 drivedb
#1388 Samsung SSD 870 QVO Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.2 drivedb
#1750 Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 250GB enhancement minor drivedb
#1259 Samsung-SSD-970-PRO(NVMe) enhancement minor drivedb
#1021 SanDisk SD6SP1M128G1102 Gabriele Pohl enhancement minor Release 7.5 drivedb
#747 SanDisk SD7SN6S-512G-1006 Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#836 SanDisk SDSSDP064G: Bogus Power_On_Hours raw value enhancement minor all
#1503 SanDisk SSD PLUS 2000GB not in Database enhancement minor Release 7.3 drivedb
#1918 SanDisk Ultra 3D SSD show wrong attribute (SanDisk SDSSDH3 250G) Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.5 drivedb
#1844 SanDisk UltraFit USB 3.2 Gen1 Flash Drive 32GB enhancement minor drivedb
#715 SanDisk X400 SSD Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#114 Script Example3 uses wall command incorrectly Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.40 smartd
#1344 Seagate BUP Portable defect minor all
#738 Seagate Backup Plus 4TB Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#1092 Seagate Backup Plus Hub 8 TB defect minor all
#1468 Seagate Backup Plus Portable 0x0bc2-0xac26 enhancement minor drivedb
#1847 Seagate Barracuda 7200.12, FW:HP34, invalid warning about new firmware Christian Franke defect major Release 7.5 drivedb
#1692 Seagate DKS2E-H4R0SS is not working correctly with smartctl defect minor Release 7.4 smartctl
#1058 Seagate Exos 5E8 ST8000AS0003 Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.0 drivedb
#1415 Seagate Exos 7E8 missing from the database (ST8000NM000A, ...) Christian Franke patch minor Release 7.3 drivedb
#1301 Seagate Exos X16 ST14000NM001G-2KJ103 Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.2 drivedb
#1742 Seagate Exos X18 ST12000NM000J Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.5 drivedb
#1619 Seagate Expansion 12 TB HDD - STKP12000400 - 0bc2:2038 defect minor all
#1238 Seagate Expansion 1Tb (ST1000LM035-1RK172) enhancement minor Release 7.1 drivedb
#725 Seagate Expansion Desktop 5TB ST5000DM000 device not in database Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#1478 Seagate External HDD with USB bridge 0bc2:2344 (ST2000LM007-1R8174) enhancement minor Release 7.1 drivedb
#1598 Seagate IronWolf 125 ZA500NM10002-2ZG101 enhancement minor Release 7.4 drivedb
#1273 Seagate IronWolf 6 TB - ST6000VN0033-2EE110 not in smartmon database Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.1 drivedb
#760 Seagate IronWolf 6TB ST6000VN0041 enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#1396 Seagate IronWolf Pro 125 SSD - False Positive SMART. 246 Unknown_Attribute Christian Franke enhancement major Release 7.2 drivedb
#1513 Seagate IronWolf ST6000VN001-2BB186 attribute 1 raw value enhancement minor drivedb
#1094 Seagate Momentus 5400.6 (ST9500325AS) requires '-F xerrorlba' Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.0 drivedb
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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