Custom Query (1433 matches)


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Results (1301 - 1400 of 1433)

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#691 os_win32.cpp: Support Windows 10 NVMe driver (stornvme.sys) Christian Franke enhancement major Release 6.6 all
#684 outdated "sending report about your drive" link target on page defect trivial wiki
#1071 patch for drivedb.h: Micron_5100_MTFDDAK3T8TCB Christian Franke patch minor Release 7.0 drivedb
#10 patch: fix FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD Alex Samorukov defect minor all
#1743 please add -d sat for Sandisk SDSSDE30-2T00 (0x0781:0x55b0) Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.5 drivedb
#845 please add WD Blue SSD enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#1097 please add the Cervoz Industrial SSD M305 (CIS 2S M305 64GB) Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.1 drivedb
#69 please detect lacie hd 0x059f:0x0951 Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.40 all
#301 please improve Selective Self-Tests using smartd/smartctl Christian Franke defect minor smartd
#100 please make smart module for lm_sensors somebody enhancement trivial all
#207 predicted time of extended self-test appears to be capped at 255 minutes Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.43 smartctl
#282 problem with smartctl -a with SDM SSD memory device jeremy385892 defect major smartctl
#283 problem with smartctl -a with SDM SSD memory device somebody defect major Release 6.2 drivedb
#1618 program smartctl is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO defect minor Release 7.4 all
#219 regression: segfault on arm since 5.39 somebody defect minor smartctl
#1338 request to have samsung evo 860 500 GB SSD added to database enhancement minor Release 7.0 drivedb
#190 request to provide source code somebody enhancement major smartctl
#1265 sample ticket defect minor all
#161 sas disks connected to 3ware sas controllers support somebody enhancement major all
#748 scan_smart_devices: glob(3) aborted matching pattern /dev/discs/disc enhancement major all
#222 scterc set for megaraid somebody task minor Release 6.1 all
#1312 seagate usb3 8TB drive (0x0bc2:0x3343) defect minor all
#1237 segfault issues after upgrading to 7.0-1 defect major smartctl
#1646 segmentation fault under linux ia64 defect minor smartctl
#287 selective test percentage somebody defect major all
#87 self test failed [Cannot allocate memory] somebody defect minor Release 5.41 smartctl
#1078 smart not supported on external hdd maxtor m3 ? defect minor all
#514 smartcrl question defect minor drivedb
#158 smartctl --attributes output should fit within 80 columns Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.41 smartctl
#40 smartctl --test when a test is already running causes it to abort Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.43 smartctl
#547 smartctl -H same output for SCSI and ATA devices enhancement minor smartctl
#333 smartctl -i should give WWN for SATA somebody enhancement minor all
#198 smartctl -l scterc is broken on FreeBSD somebody defect critical Release 5.42 all
#145 smartctl -l scterc,70,70 with RAID5 on ICH10R Onboard Raid Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.41 all
#284 smartctl -l selftest does not show running selftest status with Toshiba MK2002TSKB somebody defect minor all
#1339 smartctl -n standby wakes WD USB drive defect minor all
#1875 smartctl -o off does not work for some SSDs defect minor smartctl
#1828 smartctl -x creates new NVMe errors defect major Release 7.5 smartctl
#1892 smartctl -x return value 4 if SCT ERC is not supported Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.5 smartctl
#1331 smartctl 7.1 doesn't show attributes on Seagate SAS drives but 6.6 does defect minor Release 7.2 smartctl
#1902 smartctl Read Device Identity failed: scsi error unsupported field in scsi command defect minor all
#637 smartctl and smartd should not issue SCT commands if drive is locked Christian Franke defect minor Release 6.5 all
#139 smartctl can not modify CCTL ( TLER equivalent) on Hitachi UltraStar on LSI 1068 SAS controller. somebody defect major all
#604 smartctl cannot get drive status behind marvell hardware raid1 chip enhancement major all
#905 smartctl does not find MKNSSDTR500GB enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#146 smartctl does not work on arbitrary symlinks to devices Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.41 all
#1233 smartctl exit code 4. "scsiPrintFormatStatus: Failed" in -a output defect minor smartctl
#1441 smartctl exit status 4 if SAT layer ignores CK_COND Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.3 smartctl
#781 smartctl for OCZ-AGILITY3 incorrectly reporting temperature of 128C defect minor all
#727 smartctl hangs with Areca 1883 defect major smartctl
#281 smartctl hpt27xx controller with more than 16 devices Alex Samorukov enhancement major Release 6.2 smartctl
#11 smartctl is verbose even with the option quietmode=errorsonly Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.39.1 smartctl
#147 smartctl logs results of old, and outdated selftest Christian Franke enhancement major Release 5.41 all
#305 smartctl loses 1 byte from response to scsiModeSense in FreeBSD Alex Samorukov defect major all
#169 smartctl man page outdated (SMART offline test ranges) Christian Franke defect trivial Release 5.41 smartctl
#548 smartctl mistakenly reports error where none is... Christian Franke defect minor Release 6.5 smartctl
#1581 smartctl never completes when all information is requested from a 4K Native WD drive over USB defect minor smartctl
#1561 smartctl no longer detects /dev/sdb and /dev/sdd temperatures defect minor smartctl
#261 smartctl on OpenSolaris (OpenIndiana, illumos) outputs kernel errors somebody defect minor all
#1255 smartctl reports drive not in smartctl database (HITACHI HUA721075KLA330) Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.1 drivedb
#61 smartctl running like other user different from root Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.41 smartctl
#22 smartctl segfaults on 3ware Christian Franke defect major all
#251 smartctl segfaults on OpenBSD-powerpc Christian Franke defect major smartctl
#1215 smartctl selects the wrong NVMe device defect major all
#1220 smartctl tests are not logged for SanDisk SDSSDA240G drive defect minor smartctl
#486 smartctl tool is giving error ----- " Error Counter logging not supported Device does not support Self Test logging " while fetching the life of SSD. Dinesh Rathee defect minor smartctl
#91 smartctl, standby mode not detected properly on FreeBSD Dan Lukes defect minor Release 5.40 all
#863 smartctl-Crucial-Crucial_CT1050MX300SSD1.txt enhancement minor Release 6.6 drivedb
#1011 smartctl-KINGSTON-SEDC400S37480G.txt Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.0 drivedb
#75 smartctl: selective test of multiple spans rejected Dan Lukes defect minor Release 5.40 smartctl
#553 smartctrl labels seemingly good value pre-fail (windows and linux) defect major all
#134 smartctrl will not detect USB Hub D-Link DUB-H7 Christian Franke enhancement minor drivedb
#1632 smartd & json enhancement minor smartd
#540 smartd config option to monitor only boot drive enhancement minor smartd
#36 smartd directive '-l selftest' does no longer work Christian Franke defect major Release 5.39.1 smartd
#1813 smartd does not run self-tests on NVME devices enhancement minor Release 7.5 smartd
#92 smartd does not support SATA disk under cciss somebody defect major all
#1014 smartd doesn't notice newly added devices afters start enhancement major smartd
#1015 smartd double monitors devices when using symlinks to devices enhancement minor Release 6.6 smartd
#121 smartd fails to report disk failure if a disk doesn't respond anymore Christian Franke defect major smartd
#1248 smartd fails to start when no disks are present defect minor smartd
#1538 smartd gets confused about which drive is reporting temperature changes? defect minor smartd
#79 smartd opensolaris service defination somebody patch minor smartd
#268 smartd should avoid port multiplier devices on FreeBSD somebody defect major Release 6.2 all
#520 smartd should provide socket interface enhancement minor all
#77 smartd to include fma on opensolaris somebody enhancement minor smartd
#341 smartd tries to send Email even though it was not configured to do so. defect major smartd
#1081 smartd.service: Add support for Type=notify Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.0 smartd
#1080 smartd.service: Use Type=forking to wait for successful initialisation defect minor smartd
#249 smartd: health check failed if SCSI drive is performing test somebody defect minor all
#41 smartd: internal error in MailWarning(): cfg.mailwarn->emailfreq=0 somebody defect minor smartd
#1063 smartd_mailer.ps1 does not work defect minor smartd
#1572 smartmontools 7.2: mailer call in wrong way defect minor smartd
#1100 smartmontools Database: WD30EFRX-68EUZN0 enhancement minor Release 6.0 drivedb
#1 smartmontools build fails on QNX jhering patch major Release 5.40 all
#1439 smartmontools compile fails with "undefined reference to `__stack_chk_guard'" Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.3 all
#780 smartmontools triggers kernel panic on INVARIANTS enabled FreeBSD kernel after r308351 in base defect blocker Release 6.6 all
#603 smartmontools trunk fails to build on osx/darwin after changes in r4067 Christian Franke defect major all
#19 smartmontools-5.38 repeatedly freeze Macbook (OS X) cooties defect major smartd
#31 smartmontools-5.39-1.win32-setup.exe configure drive menu incorrectly Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.40 all
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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