Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 1434)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#129 209480318976 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors somebody defect minor all
#133 add support for Micron Technology USB SSD please somebody enhancement major all
#137 Freeze with Intel X18-M/X25-M/X25-V G2 SSDs somebody defect minor all
#138 -V and --version don't report the version somebody defect minor smartctl
#139 smartctl can not modify CCTL ( TLER equivalent) on Hitachi UltraStar on LSI 1068 SAS controller. somebody defect major all
#140 INQUIRY failed on LSI MegaRaid adapter somebody defect major all
#142 update-smart-drivedb does not work on FreeBSD (+ solution) somebody defect minor Release 5.41 drivedb
#143 Path conflict in .bat files somebody defect trivial Release 5.41 all
#152 Sometimes smartd does not complaints about errors by email somebody defect major smartd
#155 Error SMART Status command failed somebody defect major all
#160 trivial: switch CL CH to CH CL somebody enhancement trivial all
#161 sas disks connected to 3ware sas controllers support somebody enhancement major all
#162 SMART Status command failed error somebody defect major all
#163 Error happened when run smartctl -a /dev/sdb command somebody defect major all
#164 Attribute table: re-arrange columns placing TYPE after NAME help to clarify meaning somebody enhancement minor smartctl
#176 SATA drive in an external USB connect enclosure somebody defect major all
#181 Print WWN of SCSI devices somebody enhancement minor all
#188 Interrupted (host rest) somebody defect critical all
#190 request to provide source code somebody enhancement major smartctl
#196 Spam somebody defect major all
#198 smartctl -l scterc is broken on FreeBSD somebody defect critical Release 5.42 all
#199 [PATCH] Man page syntax fixes somebody defect trivial Release 5.42 all
#201 os_freebsd.cpp: Have smartd prefer real device names over passN somebody enhancement minor Release 6.1 smartd
#204 Illegal request CDBs submit to some models of Fujitsu SCSI disks somebody defect major all
#208 LSI 2018 MegaRaid INQUIRY failed somebody defect major all
#210 Can't enable SMART on WD20EARS-00MVWB0 somebody defect major all
#213 did not find smartmontools script somebody defect trivial all
#216 xerror NUM incorrect minor number printed somebody defect major all
#217 Add phpBB to Hosted Apps! somebody enhancement minor all
#218 DEVICESCAN -d removable somebody enhancement minor smartd
#219 regression: segfault on arm since 5.39 somebody defect minor smartctl
#220 --set options for smartd somebody enhancement major Release 5.43 smartd
#222 scterc set for megaraid somebody task minor Release 6.1 all
#226 SCSI passthrough on OS X somebody enhancement major all
#228 Powermode does not seem to work on Mac OS X (Darwin) somebody enhancement minor all
#229 improve smartd reporting somebody enhancement minor smartd
#234 Impossible to access to the physical disks behind a 3Ware 9650 RAID card somebody defect minor all
#236 3ware 9750 support in FreeBSD somebody enhancement major Release 6.1 all
#238 Support Non-rotating Media Test somebody enhancement minor Release 6.0 smartctl
#240 Support for more than 24 drives at a time somebody enhancement major Release 6.1 all
#241 Support for more than 24 drives at a time somebody enhancement major all
#242 Adding Support for USB 2.0 IDE Adapter (ID 05e3:0702) somebody enhancement major all
#243 Request adding LSI megaraid card support on windows somebody enhancement major all
#244 Request adding LSI megaraid card support on windows somebody enhancement major smartctl
#245 Incorrectly displayed values ​​SCT ERC (5734.5 second) somebody defect minor smartctl
#246 SMART detecting defect? somebody defect major smartctl
#248 SSD disks wrong monitoring somebody defect major smartd
#249 smartd: health check failed if SCSI drive is performing test somebody defect minor all
#250 implement -g/-s wcache and lookahead for the SCSI drvies somebody enhancement minor Release 6.1 all
#254 Smartctl 5.38 testing SAS HDD issue somebody defect major smartctl
#255 Smartctl 5.43 testing issue in Suse 10 (LSI 1064E) somebody defect major smartctl
#256 Windows Event log missing log source somebody enhancement minor Release 6.1 smartd
#261 smartctl on OpenSolaris (OpenIndiana, illumos) outputs kernel errors somebody defect minor all
#263 Drive does not support SMART, but health check shows 'Ok' somebody defect minor smartctl
#264 Support for Serial Attached SCSI Drives somebody enhancement minor all
#265 Support for Serial Attached SCSI Drives somebody enhancement minor all
#268 smartd should avoid port multiplier devices on FreeBSD somebody defect major Release 6.2 all
#269 Change standby (spindown) timer of WDEARS20 somebody defect minor all
#270 HD temp sensors too somebody defect major all
#271 diffrent responces from SMARTCTL somebody defect major all
#273 Support for Mylex AcceleRAID controllers somebody enhancement minor all
#274 big temperature difference between smartd & smartctl somebody defect major all
#275 vc10 project file missing files somebody defect minor all
#276 Getting SMART from LSI 9201 and SAS expanders somebody defect major all
#277 Add OWC Mercury EXTREME Pro 6G SSD to drivedb.h somebody enhancement trivial Release 6.2 drivedb
#278 Adaptec 7 series and SATA disks problem somebody defect major all
#280 Unknown USB bridge [0x04c5:0x201d (0x001)] works with -d sat somebody enhancement minor Release 6.2 drivedb
#283 problem with smartctl -a with SDM SSD memory device somebody defect major Release 6.2 drivedb
#284 smartctl -l selftest does not show running selftest status with Toshiba MK2002TSKB somebody defect minor all
#285 unsupported highpoint rocketraid 3520 somebody defect major all
#286 48-bit ATA commands not supported on OS X somebody enhancement major all
#287 selective test percentage somebody defect major all
#288 Remove failure notice for Attribute 190 somebody task major smartctl
#289 Intel 520 Series SSDs incorrect Power_On_Hours_and_Msec somebody defect major all
#293 Incomplete support for fixed format sense data somebody defect minor all
#294 what is difference between 6.1 and 5.38 somebody defect major smartctl
#307 drive database wrong somebody defect minor Release 6.3 drivedb
#309 Use drive letter of Truecrypt mounted drive in Windows somebody defect minor smartctl
#318 Spam somebody defect major all
#319 SMART attribute differences between Windows and Linux somebody defect major drivedb
#321 [patch] use %zu to print size_t instead of %lu somebody patch trivial Release 6.3 all
#323 Report for Western Digital Red drive doesn't make sense somebody defect major smartctl
#324 wrong info about firmnware upgrade seagate barracuda somebody defect minor Release 6.3 drivedb
#327 StarTech USB SATDOCK2REU3 (Prolific PL2775 chipset) support? somebody enhancement major drivedb
#330 Smartctl support for LSI 2008 sas2 on Windows somebody enhancement minor all
#333 smartctl -i should give WWN for SATA somebody enhancement minor all
#526 2T external WD drive right drivers here for Windows 7 mark kirk defect minor Release 6.0 all
#205 Request for 3ware stdin support to smartctl in Linux enhancement minor smartctl
#519 testing new trac, plz ignore defect major Release 6.0 all
#520 smartd should provide socket interface enhancement minor all
#539 email notify when №5 and №188 attr non-zero enhancement minor smartd
#540 smartd config option to monitor only boot drive enhancement minor smartd
#547 smartctl -H same output for SCSI and ATA devices enhancement minor smartctl
#553 smartctrl labels seemingly good value pre-fail (windows and linux) defect major all
#596 supported device database enhancement minor Release 6.5 drivedb
#598 Windows hangs after smartd is started defect major smartd
#604 smartctl cannot get drive status behind marvell hardware raid1 chip enhancement major all
#605 many places in source code are pointing to the url defect minor Release 6.5 all
#606 Vendor Attributes not fetched for Seagate/Toshiba Disks defect major all
#608 Long test hanged on HGST drives defect major all
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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