Custom Query (1417 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1 smartmontools build fails on QNX jhering patch major Release 5.40 all
#2 os_freebsd.cpp - added USB detection and converted to the new interface Dan Lukes enhancement major Experimental Release 5.39 all
#3 ABEND on FreeBSD when non-SCSI device accessed with -d scsi somebody defect trivial Experimental Release 5.39 all
#4 ciss devices fail with os_freebsd.cpp from svn Alex Samorukov defect major Experimental Release 5.39 all
#5 build fail on freebsd 8 Alex Samorukov defect major Experimental Release 5.39 all
#6 [regression] Unable to use /dev/disk/by-id in smartd.conf Christian Franke defect major all
#7 usb device types are not exported to the help Christian Franke defect trivial all
#8 USB devices are not autodetected by smartd DEVICESCAN somebody defect major Experimental Release 5.39 all
#9 SCSI devices are exported 2 times to smartd Alex Samorukov defect major all
#10 patch: fix FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD Alex Samorukov defect minor all
#11 smartctl is verbose even with the option quietmode=errorsonly Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.39.1 smartctl
#12 smartmontools: In Self-test log, LifeTime wraps at 65536 hours somebody enhancement minor all
#13 Autodetection doesn't work with -d sat Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.39.1 smartd
#14 ``Usage Attribute: 194 Temperature_Celsius'' is confusing to parse somebody enhancement minor all
#15 -d megaraid with SATA drives requires -T permissive to work somebody defect major all
#16 add support for FreeBSD 'ada' disks Alex Samorukov enhancement minor all
#17 add descriptions of attributes 188 and 184 Christian Franke enhancement trivial all
#18 os_freebsd.cpp - convert ATA interfaces from *::ata_command_interface to the ata_pass_through somebody task major Release 5.40 all
#19 smartmontools-5.38 repeatedly freeze Macbook (OS X) cooties defect major smartd
#20 weird byte order of "Head Flying Hours" Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.40 all
#21 not able to pull stats from drives attached to areca 1680 controllers Bruce Allen enhancement minor Release 5.43 all
#22 smartctl segfaults on 3ware Christian Franke defect major all
#23 strict-aliasing warnings from gcc 4.4.1 on Linux x86_64 somebody defect minor Experimental Release 5.39 all
#24 configure option '--with-docdir' is obsolete and breaks '--docdir' Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.40 all
#25 SCSI pass through for SMART via USB on MacOSX smartmontools? 3rd party code available! cooties enhancement minor all
#26 megaraid doest show info somebody defect major all
#27 Improve error handling of SMART STATUS if output registers are unknown Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.40 all
#28 Unsupported Device - Hitachi HTS723225L9A360 Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.40 all
#29 FreeBSD: cam_close_device() called twice somebody defect major Release 5.39.1 smartd
#30 Print also text representation of GPL Dan Lukes enhancement minor Release 5.40 all
#31 smartmontools-5.39-1.win32-setup.exe configure drive menu incorrectly Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.40 all
#32 Print also text representation of -r ataioctl,2 data Dan Lukes enhancement minor Release 5.40 all
#33 SMART Automatic Offline Testing periodicity Dan Lukes enhancement minor all
#34 Check error count from Extended Comprehensive SMART error log Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.40 smartd
#35 Default mail setting does not make sense if "--savestates" is enabled Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.41 smartd
#36 smartd directive '-l selftest' does no longer work Christian Franke defect major Release 5.39.1 smartd
#37 'smartctl -n standby' wakes up drive somebody defect major Release 5.39.1 all
#38 SMART errors upon resuming from suspend Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.42 smartd
#39 Silent "failure" without -parameters Christian Franke defect trivial Release 5.41 smartctl
#40 smartctl --test when a test is already running causes it to abort Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.43 smartctl
#41 smartd: internal error in MailWarning(): cfg.mailwarn->emailfreq=0 somebody defect minor smartd
#42 Subzero temperature somebody defect trivial smartctl
#43 3ware Support broken since 3ware 9.5.x Release on Windows Christian Franke defect major Release 5.39.1 smartctl
#44 Read USB ID table from a file Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.40 all
#45 Add smartd '--capabilities' option Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.40 smartd
#46 With two channels LSI Raid, smartctl check always the first one. Alex Samorukov defect major all
#47 strange disk count when dealing with external cciss arrays somebody defect minor smartctl
#48 cciss bug smartd/smartd with amd64 architecture somebody defect major all
#49 cciss bug smartd/smartd with more than 15 devices Christian Franke defect major Release 5.40 all
#50 Error Recovery Control querrying and setting Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.40 all
#51 Spam somebody defect major smartctl
#53 os_linux.cpp: Implement linux_areca_device::ata_pass_through() somebody enhancement major Release 5.42 all
#54 os_linux.cpp: Implement linux_marvell_device::ata_pass_through() somebody enhancement major all
#56 Spam somebody defect trivial smartctl
#57 Spam somebody defect major smartctl
#58 Spam somebody defect major smartctl
#59 external drivedb Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.40 all
#61 smartctl running like other user different from root Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.41 smartctl
#62 4K info from IDENTIFY DEVICE Christian Franke enhancement major Release 5.41 smartctl
#63 3ware support at DEVICESCAN somebody enhancement major smartd
#65 059f:1019 LaCie, Ltd Desktop Hard Drive supported by -d usbjmicron Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.40 all
#66 -l xselftest,selftest fails on Intel X25-M G2 Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.40 smartctl
#67 Misleading log message when self-test error count decreased to zero Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.40 smartd
#68 QNX Support somebody defect major all
#69 please detect lacie hd 0x059f:0x0951 Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.40 all
#70 os_freebsd.cpp: Implement freebsd_escalade_device::ata_pass_through() somebody enhancement minor Release 6.1 all
#71 os_freebsd.cpp: Implement freebsd_highpoint_device::ata_pass_through() somebody enhancement minor all
#72 XML-Output somebody enhancement minor smartctl
#73 filename for save should include SerialNumber and time somebody enhancement trivial smartd
#74 filename for save should include SerialNumber and time somebody enhancement trivial all
#75 smartctl: selective test of multiple spans rejected Dan Lukes defect minor Release 5.40 smartctl
#76 DEVICESCAN smartd not working on opensolaris snv_134 somebody defect minor smartd
#77 smartd to include fma on opensolaris somebody enhancement minor smartd
#78 Smartctl segmentation fault and crash followed by kernel invalid opcode trace Christian Franke defect major Release 5.41 all
#79 smartd opensolaris service defination somebody patch minor smartd
#80 Update information about Transcend SSD Christian Franke patch major Release 5.40 all
#81 support areca in freebsd Alex Samorukov enhancement major Release 5.42 all
#82 danger of high Load_Cycle_Count and WD 'Intelli-park' self-destruction "feature" somebody enhancement minor smartd
#83 iomega LDHD-UP Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.40 all
#84 Charts of various SMART attributes, scripts included somebody enhancement major all
#85 Enhance drivedb for SAMSUNG SV1604N Christian Franke enhancement major Release 5.40 smartctl
#86 3ware 9750 SATA Drive Support Christian Franke patch major Release 5.40 all
#87 self test failed [Cannot allocate memory] somebody defect minor Release 5.41 smartctl
#88 Store last selective self-test span in smartd state file Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.41 smartd
#89 Use log directory to check for old error/self-test log support Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.41 all
#91 smartctl, standby mode not detected properly on FreeBSD Dan Lukes defect minor Release 5.40 all
#92 smartd does not support SATA disk under cciss somebody defect major all
#93 os_linux.cpp: Use SG_IO instead of deprecated SCSI ioctl somebody defect major all
#94 Build fails if source was downloaded via ViewVC Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.40 all
#95 JMicron 4 device support (0x152d:0x0551) Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.40 all
#96 St34342A Support?! somebody enhancement major all
#97 os_freebsd.cpp: need to detect /dev/mfidx devices and display help Alex Samorukov enhancement major Release 5.42 all
#98 Error SMART Status command failed somebody defect minor all
#99 Outdated IBM Deskstar links in drivedb Christian Franke patch trivial Release 5.40 all
#100 please make smart module for lm_sensors somebody enhancement trivial all
#101 os_netbsd.cpp: Migrate to new dev_interface Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 6.6 all
#102 os_openbsd.cpp: Migrate to new dev_interface Alex Samorukov enhancement major Release 7.2 all
#103 os_darwin.cpp: Migrate to new dev_interface Alex Samorukov enhancement major Release 6.4 all
#106 Support ATA Device Statistics Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.42 smartctl
#108 Option to write a smartd.conf file Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.41 smartctl
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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