Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (1301 - 1400 of 1434)

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1498 SAS SSD disks: Defect list not found and Recovered Error message defect major smartctl
#1521 Wearout not correct Transcend TS512GMTE220S defect minor smartctl
#1546 Possible buffer overflow in smartctl.cpp Christian Franke defect major Release 7.3 smartctl
#1561 smartctl no longer detects /dev/sdb and /dev/sdd temperatures defect minor smartctl
#1562 Samsung PM1643a truncated SMART on smartctl versions after 6.6 defect minor Release 7.3 smartctl
#1581 smartctl never completes when all information is requested from a 4K Native WD drive over USB defect minor smartctl
#1591 -H returns an error for an otherwise healthy drive defect minor smartctl
#1607 Bug with Seagate BarraCuda 3.5 (SMR) ST8000DM004-2U9188 on amd64 defect major smartctl
#1622 Get SMART attributes by id defect minor smartctl
#1637 KINGSTON SKC600M : "-l error" returns Invalid Error Log index defect minor smartctl
#1646 segmentation fault under linux ia64 defect minor smartctl
#1692 Seagate DKS2E-H4R0SS is not working correctly with smartctl defect minor Release 7.4 smartctl
#1693 "SMART support is:" missing defect critical smartctl
#1696 Function ataReadExtSelfTestLog didn't swap byte-order for all little-endian variables on big-endian platform Christian Franke patch minor Release 7.4 smartctl
#1720 Western Digital SN730 SDBQNTY-1T00-1001 displaying incorrect data defect minor smartctl
#1735 Support for RaidSonic ICY BOX IB-1922MF-C32 USB to NVMe bridge (0x174c:0x2364, ASM2364) enhancement minor smartctl
#1741 nvme self test commands fail when specifying a namespace Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.5 smartctl
#1745 Don't print error log entries if error count is zero Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.5 smartctl
#1751 SMART Test never ending and cannot be stopped defect major smartctl
#1824 Change the capability name of "Offline surface scan" to "Off-line Read Scanning" defect trivial smartctl
#1827 Read Self-test Log failed: Invalid Field in Command (0x4002) defect major Release 7.5 smartctl
#1828 smartctl -x creates new NVMe errors defect major Release 7.5 smartctl
#1831 No JSON support for "Auto Offline data collection on/off support" defect minor smartctl
#1860 JSON output for SCSI contains bogus string "Pending defect count:" defect minor Release 7.3 smartctl
#1875 smartctl -o off does not work for some SSDs defect minor smartctl
#1890 NVMe smart life wrong value (TS256GMTE110S FW:S0725B0) defect minor smartctl
#1891 Wrong value ssd life (KINGSTON SUV400S37120G) defect minor smartctl
#1892 smartctl -x return value 4 if SCT ERC is not supported Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.5 smartctl
#1898 JSON output is empty in rare cases (smartctl-nc) defect minor smartctl
#1914 Inconsistency between human-readable and json output for SMART Support defect minor smartctl
#1920 Extended self test not in overview defect major smartctl
#13 Autodetection doesn't work with -d sat Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.39.1 smartd
#19 smartmontools-5.38 repeatedly freeze Macbook (OS X) cooties defect major smartd
#29 FreeBSD: cam_close_device() called twice somebody defect major Release 5.39.1 smartd
#34 Check error count from Extended Comprehensive SMART error log Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.40 smartd
#35 Default mail setting does not make sense if "--savestates" is enabled Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.41 smartd
#36 smartd directive '-l selftest' does no longer work Christian Franke defect major Release 5.39.1 smartd
#38 SMART errors upon resuming from suspend Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.42 smartd
#41 smartd: internal error in MailWarning(): cfg.mailwarn->emailfreq=0 somebody defect minor smartd
#45 Add smartd '--capabilities' option Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.40 smartd
#63 3ware support at DEVICESCAN somebody enhancement major smartd
#67 Misleading log message when self-test error count decreased to zero Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.40 smartd
#73 filename for save should include SerialNumber and time somebody enhancement trivial smartd
#76 DEVICESCAN smartd not working on opensolaris snv_134 somebody defect minor smartd
#77 smartd to include fma on opensolaris somebody enhancement minor smartd
#79 smartd opensolaris service defination somebody patch minor smartd
#82 danger of high Load_Cycle_Count and WD 'Intelli-park' self-destruction "feature" somebody enhancement minor smartd
#88 Store last selective self-test span in smartd state file Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.41 smartd
#113 SMARTD_DEVICE and ...TYPE cannot be used for smartctl parameters Christian Franke defect major Release 5.40 smartd
#114 Script Example3 uses wall command incorrectly Christian Franke defect minor Release 5.40 smartd
#116 DEVICESCAN does not find USB devices on Windows Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.41 smartd
#118 Store reserved attribute byte in smartd state file Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.41 smartd
#121 smartd fails to report disk failure if a disk doesn't respond anymore Christian Franke defect major smartd
#123 Option DEVISCAN does not work on OpenBSD >= 4.8 Christian Franke defect major Release 5.41 smartd
#135 syslog messages should not contain more than one line Christian Franke defect major Release 5.41 smartd
#148 2TB of unreadable sectors o 750GB disk Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.41 smartd
#150 Adding scterc set command to smartd Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.41 smartd
#152 Sometimes smartd does not complaints about errors by email somebody defect major smartd
#167 Resend warning email when a problem reappears Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 5.42 smartd
#174 Warning email text is truncated on Windows 7 Christian Franke defect major Release 5.41 smartd
#180 Implement smartd --savestates and --attributelog for SCSI Alex Samorukov enhancement minor Release 6.1 smartd
#185 Include device identity in smartd warning emails Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 6.0 smartd
#194 little tweaks to the systemd service file Christian Franke patch minor Release 5.43 smartd
#201 os_freebsd.cpp: Have smartd prefer real device names over passN somebody enhancement minor Release 6.1 smartd
#218 DEVICESCAN -d removable somebody enhancement minor smartd
#220 --set options for smartd somebody enhancement major Release 5.43 smartd
#229 improve smartd reporting somebody enhancement minor smartd
#248 SSD disks wrong monitoring somebody defect major smartd
#256 Windows Event log missing log source somebody enhancement minor Release 6.1 smartd
#266 Warnings os_darwin.cpp: -Wself-assign Christian Franke patch minor Release 6.2 smartd
#301 please improve Selective Self-Tests using smartd/smartctl Christian Franke defect minor smartd
#310 Support staggering of drive tests Christian Franke enhancement major Release 7.2 smartd
#313 /dev/disk/by-id in smartd.conf ignored Christian Franke enhancement major Release 6.6 smartd
#316 improvements for the systemd service file Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 6.3 smartd
#336 Different check intervals for different devices Christian Franke enhancement major Release 7.3 smartd
#341 smartd tries to send Email even though it was not configured to do so. defect major smartd
#523 clarify "--capabilities" option to distinguish from SMART capabilities Christian Franke enhancement trivial Release 6.4 smartd
#539 email notify when №5 and №188 attr non-zero enhancement minor smartd
#540 smartd config option to monitor only boot drive enhancement minor smartd
#598 Windows hangs after smartd is started defect major smartd
#701 Smartd not sending email defect minor smartd
#731 Send warning mails via PowerShell script under MS-Windows Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 6.6 smartd
#817 Smard : Failed to read Temperature Christian Franke defect minor Release 6.6 smartd
#850 how to setup disk failure alerts notification to email in centos 7.3 enhancement minor smartd
#944 WD Hard Drive smartd[484]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Usage Attribute: 194 Temperature_Celsius changed from 102 to 100 defect minor smartd
#1013 -M exec overrides -M <others> defect major smartd
#1014 smartd doesn't notice newly added devices afters start enhancement major smartd
#1015 smartd double monitors devices when using symlinks to devices enhancement minor Release 6.6 smartd
#1016 let smartd check a device (to be monitored) shortly after it's attached enhancement minor smartd
#1017 make smartd usable as temperature monitor / replace hddtemp enhancement major smartd
#1018 allow for constant re-sending of warnings Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.4 smartd
#1019 allow for shorter check intervals (and perhaps use them per default) enhancement trivial smartd
#1063 smartd_mailer.ps1 does not work defect minor smartd
#1080 smartd.service: Use Type=forking to wait for successful initialisation defect minor smartd
#1081 smartd.service: Add support for Type=notify Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.0 smartd
#1132 attrlog files contains attribute strings for SCSI disks, but attribute numbers for ATA disks defect minor smartd
#1138 Typo in / smartmontools / Christian Franke defect trivial Release 7.0 smartd
#1167 wrong temperature in smartd but correct in smartctl defect minor smartd
#1211 I can not start smartd on my machine (SUSE SLES12-SP3) defect minor smartd
#1217 Buffer length for message is not enough on macOS patch minor Release 7.1 smartd
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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