Custom Query (1414 matches)


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Results (1201 - 1300 of 1414)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#259 Errors when the defect list is too large for the 10byte Read Defect command Doug Gilbert enhancement major Release 6.1 smartctl
#263 Drive does not support SMART, but health check shows 'Ok' somebody defect minor smartctl
#281 smartctl hpt27xx controller with more than 16 devices Alex Samorukov enhancement major Release 6.2 smartctl
#282 problem with smartctl -a with SDM SSD memory device jeremy385892 defect major smartctl
#288 Remove failure notice for Attribute 190 somebody task major smartctl
#294 what is difference between 6.1 and 5.38 somebody defect major smartctl
#303 In smart test captive mode, extend the timeout as described by the ATA device Christian Franke defect minor smartctl
#309 Use drive letter of Truecrypt mounted drive in Windows somebody defect minor smartctl
#323 Report for Western Digital Red drive doesn't make sense somebody defect major smartctl
#340 Dell H800 Perc Smart Attributes Multiple Drives Kevin Rogers enhancement minor smartctl
#344 First enumerated disk in array gets strange FW version and no self-test support defect major smartctl
#346 Implement "-l devstat" using smartlog if gplog failed Alex Samorukov task minor Release 6.4 smartctl
#347 invalid SMART checksum bug defect minor smartctl
#350 CentOS release 5.10 complains about deprecated SCSI ioctl task minor smartctl
#486 smartctl tool is giving error ----- " Error Counter logging not supported Device does not support Self Test logging " while fetching the life of SSD. Dinesh Rathee defect minor smartctl
#491 Selective self-tests not logged to selective self-test log data structure on WD Green 6TB defect major smartctl
#498 Support SMART error logs with more that 255 pages Christian Franke enhancement major Release 6.4 smartctl
#547 smartctl -H same output for SCSI and ATA devices enhancement minor smartctl
#548 smartctl mistakenly reports error where none is... Christian Franke defect minor Release 6.5 smartctl
#610 Rosewill Armer RX307-PU3-35B -- 0x4971:0x8017 (0x8104) -- long test keeps aborting defect major smartctl
#615 Apple TS0256F shows spurious FAILING_NOW results defect minor smartctl
#641 kingston ssd uv300 Runtime_Bad_Block defect major smartctl
#658 Many (long) HDD default timeouts cause data loss or corruption (silent controller resets) enhancement minor smartctl
#664 Improved output on LB Provisioning patch trivial Release 6.5 smartctl
#680 "LifeTime(hours)" wrap around in SMART's self-test log enhancement minor smartctl
#697 Optionally use exit status != 2 for "-n standby" condition Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 6.6 smartctl
#723 Control ATA drive write cache through SCT Feature control Christian Franke patch minor Release 6.6 smartctl
#726 Add persistent option ",p" to wcreorder,on|off Christian Franke patch minor Release 6.6 smartctl
#727 smartctl hangs with Areca 1883 defect major smartctl
#749 [PATCH] ataprint.cpp Print missing the Valid Value bit in ACS-3 Device Statistics Flags patch major smartctl
#766 JSON output mode for smartctl reports Christian Franke enhancement major Release 7.0 smartctl
#774 Add machine-readable output formating enhancement minor smartctl
#776 Self-test log differences between "-a" and "-x" options defect major smartctl
#795 Why can't smartmontools disable SMART check? defect blocker smartctl
#811 Replace -d scsi by -d sat, due to "no SMART info" by -d scsi, when use smartctl --scan defect minor smartctl
#822 The -q noserial option doesnt sanitise SAS address in some places Christian Franke defect minor Release 6.6 smartctl
#849 TS64GSSD370S - problems with self-tests defect minor smartctl
#877 Workaround for supporting SATADOM enhancement minor smartctl
#878 New WDC WD2500AVVS shows some non-zero attributes defect minor smartctl
#894 Support NVMe self-tests in smartctl Christian Franke enhancement major Release 7.4 smartctl
#909 Print ATA Pending Defects Log Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 6.6 smartctl
#916 Adding --json command line option enhancement minor smartctl
#922 -l devstat does not work if gp devstat log is 256 sectors Christian Franke patch minor Release 7.0 smartctl
#940 SCT Support Level no longer valid field in ACS3 or 4 Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.0 smartctl
#1044 Syntax error using smartctl defect minor smartctl
#1045 add support for SAS host managed drives Christian Franke patch minor Release 7.0 smartctl
#1056 2 KiB too large "User Capacity" reported for Toshiba MQ03UBB300 defect minor smartctl
#1079 Error counter log none JSON format output Christian Franke patch minor Release 7.0 smartctl
#1082 Add scsi grown defect list value in json ouput Christian Franke patch minor Release 7.0 smartctl
#1083 Add scsi percentage used endurance indicator json value Christian Franke patch minor Release 7.0 smartctl
#1127 -l selftest should display current power on/lifetime hours enhancement minor smartctl
#1153 Command timeout occurred when I used the command "smartctl -C -t short" on HDD test defect critical smartctl
#1154 Bogus smartctl exception on unknown ATA form factor value [regression] Christian Franke defect critical Release 7.1 smartctl
#1156 Add more prominent warning if SMART features are disabled/impaired enhancement minor smartctl
#1164 Incorrect value in SMART attribute 190 when using JSON output defect minor smartctl
#1165 Set JSON value 'power_on_time.hours' if raw value also contains milliseconds Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.1 smartctl
#1184 Can't show RPM of HD without run cmd as admin defect minor smartctl
#1195 Incorrect time of self-test defect minor smartctl
#1205 Whey the command "/smartctl -i -l selftest -l error -H -t short" returnned "Log Structure revision number 0"? task minor smartctl
#1207 WD Red 6TB - WDC WD60EFAX-68SHWN0 reports wrong self-test polling time recommendation defect minor smartctl
#1210 Why was the script unable to run the short test at 7am o'clock? task minor smartctl
#1220 smartctl tests are not logged for SanDisk SDSSDA240G drive defect minor smartctl
#1225 Missed info for SAS SSD after update of smartmontools from 5.43 to 7.0 defect major Release 7.1 smartctl
#1233 smartctl exit code 4. "scsiPrintFormatStatus: Failed" in -a output defect minor smartctl
#1237 segfault issues after upgrading to 7.0-1 defect major smartctl
#1239 Limited SMART output on Samsung PM1633a when upgrading from smartctl 6.5 Doug Gilbert defect major Release 7.1 smartctl
#1247 LVM on M.2 errors in smartctl defect minor smartctl
#1258 Error Counter logging not supported (SAMSUNG MZILT800HAHQ0D3) defect major Release 7.1 smartctl
#1285 Smartctl on Sandforce OCZ-VERTEX3 appears to decode xselftest log badly defect major smartctl
#1303 Physical block size not displayed after a drive reset Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.3 smartctl
#1331 smartctl 7.1 doesn't show attributes on Seagate SAS drives but 6.6 does defect minor Release 7.2 smartctl
#1345 Receive smartctl error msg whenever I startup my Windows laptop defect minor smartctl
#1381 --nocheck standby is ignored if device does not support power check which causes spin up Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.3 smartctl
#1413 Some SCSI Drives spin up when using -n option. Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.3 smartctl
#1418 Self-test log life time resets after a certain Power_On_Hours value defect minor smartctl
#1427 Add support for SCT Error Recovery Timer features added in ACS-4 Christian Franke patch minor Release 7.3 smartctl
#1436 Always add timestamp to json Christian Franke enhancement minor Release 7.3 smartctl
#1437 Wording: ATA Error Count, Device Error Count enhancement minor smartctl
#1441 smartctl exit status 4 if SAT layer ignores CK_COND Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.3 smartctl
#1463 Samsung NVME Power on Hours: - space between the digits of the value defect minor smartctl
#1476 WD80EFAX-68LHPN0 drive permanently shows ATA Error task minor smartctl
#1487 InnoStor IS611-based adapter errors -- what version firmware should be installed enhancement minor smartctl
#1498 SAS SSD disks: Defect list not found and Recovered Error message defect major smartctl
#1521 Wearout not correct Transcend TS512GMTE220S defect minor smartctl
#1546 Possible buffer overflow in smartctl.cpp Christian Franke defect major Release 7.3 smartctl
#1561 smartctl no longer detects /dev/sdb and /dev/sdd temperatures defect minor smartctl
#1562 Samsung PM1643a truncated SMART on smartctl versions after 6.6 defect minor Release 7.3 smartctl
#1581 smartctl never completes when all information is requested from a 4K Native WD drive over USB defect minor smartctl
#1591 -H returns an error for an otherwise healthy drive defect minor smartctl
#1607 Bug with Seagate BarraCuda 3.5 (SMR) ST8000DM004-2U9188 on amd64 defect major smartctl
#1622 Get SMART attributes by id defect minor smartctl
#1637 KINGSTON SKC600M : "-l error" returns Invalid Error Log index defect minor smartctl
#1646 segmentation fault under linux ia64 defect minor smartctl
#1692 Seagate DKS2E-H4R0SS is not working correctly with smartctl defect minor Release 7.4 smartctl
#1693 "SMART support is:" missing defect critical smartctl
#1696 Function ataReadExtSelfTestLog didn't swap byte-order for all little-endian variables on big-endian platform Christian Franke patch minor Release 7.4 smartctl
#1720 Western Digital SN730 SDBQNTY-1T00-1001 displaying incorrect data defect minor smartctl
#1735 Support for RaidSonic ICY BOX IB-1922MF-C32 USB to NVMe bridge (0x174c:0x2364, ASM2364) enhancement minor smartctl
#1741 nvme self test commands fail when specifying a namespace Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.5 smartctl
#1745 Don't print error log entries if error count is zero Christian Franke defect minor Release 7.5 smartctl
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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