Custom Query (1376 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#539 worksforme email notify when №5 and №188 attr non-zero miknik

I have a hdd with smart attribute №5 value 1176 and №188 value 40, №188 is incremented after each windows restart. so i want to make email notify about those attributes when they are non-zero or changed. I tried different settings, but with no luck.

#540 wontfix smartd config option to monitor only boot drive miknik

i found it handy if smartd can be set to monitor only first hdd(ssd) in system that used as boot. with auto detection of drive type (hdd ssd scsi etc).

#547 wontfix smartctl -H same output for SCSI and ATA devices versofate

scsiprint.cpp pout("SMART Health Status: OK\n");

should be changed to: pout("SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED\n");

It allows to parse output for different devices in the same way.

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