Custom Query (1357 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1788 duplicate Unknown USB bridge [0x152d:0x0580 (0x7601)] - works with -d sat René Bertin


> sudo smartctl --identify /dev/sdd 
smartctl 7.4 2023-08-01 r5530 [x86_64-linux-4.14.328-ck1-westmere-rjvb] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-23, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

/dev/sdd: Unknown USB bridge [0x152d:0x0580 (0x7601)]
Please specify device type with the -d option.

It works fine with -d sat (curiously also with both the "12" and "16" varieties):

> sudo smartctl -d sat --identify=wb /dev/sdd
smartctl 7.4 2023-08-01 r5530 [x86_64-linux-4.14.328-ck1-westmere-rjvb] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-23, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

Word     Bit     Value   Description

   0      -     0x0040   General configuration
   0     15          0   Device identifier: 0 = ATA, 1 = ATAPI
   0     14:8     0x00   Vendor specific [RET-3]
   0      7          0   Removable media device [OBS-8]
   0      6          1   Not removable controller and/or device [OBS-6]
   0      5:3      0x0   Vendor specific [RET-3]
   0      2          0   Response incomplete
   0      1          0   Vendor specific [RET-3]
   0      0          0   Reserved

   1      -     0x3fff   Cylinders [OBS-6]

   2      -     0xc837   Specific configuration (0x37c8/738c/8c73/c837)

   3      -     0x0010   Heads [OBS-6]

   4      -     0x0000   Vendor specific [RET-3]

   5      -     0x0000   Vendor specific [RET-3]

   6      -     0x003f   Sectors per track [OBS-6]

   7-8    -     0x00...  Reserved for CFA (Sectors per card)

   9      -     0x0000   Vendor specific [RET-4]

  10-19   -     .        Serial number (String)
  10-13   .     0x3233:3035:3331:3830  "23053180"
  14-17   .     0x3031:3239:2020:2020  "0129    "
  18-19   .     0x2020:2020            "    "

  20      -     0x0000   Vendor specific [RET-3]

  21      -     0x0000   Vendor specific [RET-3]

  22      -     0x0000   Vendor specific bytes on READ/WRITE LONG [OBS-4]

  23-26   -     .        Firmware revision (String)
  23-26   .     0x3431:3130:3130:5752  "411010WR"

  27-46   -     .        Model number (String)
  27-30   .     0x5744:4320:2057:4453  "WDC  WDS"
  31-34   .     0x3130:3054:3152:3042  "100T1R0B"
  35-38   .     0x2d36:3841:345a:3020  "-68A4Z0 "
  39-42   .     0x2020:2020:2020:2020  "        "
  43-46   .     0x2020:2020:2020:2020  "        "

  47      -     0x8001   READ/WRITE MULTIPLE support [OBS-ACS-4]
  47     15:8     0x80   Must be set to 0x80
  47      7:0     0x01   Max sectors per DRQ on READ/WRITE MULTIPLE [OBS-ACS-4]

  48      -     0x4000   Trusted Computing feature set options
  48     15:14     0x1   Must be set to 0x1
  48     13:1   0x0000   Reserved for the Trusted Computing Group
  48      0          0   Trusted Computing feature set supported

  49      -     0x2f00   Capabilities
  49     15:14     0x0   Reserved for IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE
  49     13          1   Standard standby timer values supported
  49     12          0   Reserved for IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE
  49     11          1   IORDY supported
  49     10          1   IORDY may be disabled
  49      9          1   LBA supported
  49      8          1   DMA supported
  49      7:2     0x00   Reserved
  49      1:0      0x0   Long Phy Sector Alignment Error reporting

  50      -     0x4000   Capabilities
  50     15:14     0x1   Must be set to 0x1
  50     13:2    0x000   Reserved
  50      1          0   Reserved [OBS-6]
  50      0          0   Vendor specific minimum standby timer value

  51      -     0x0200   PIO data transfer mode [OBS-5]

  52      -     0x0000   Single Word DMA data transfer mode [OBS-3]

  53      -     0x0006   Field validity / Free-fall Control
  53     15:8     0x00   Free-fall Control sensitivity
  53      7:3     0x00   Reserved
  53      2          1   Word 88 (Ultra DMA modes) is valid
  53      1          1   Words 64-70 (PIO modes) are valid
  53      0          0   Words 54-58 (CHS) are valid [OBS-6]

  54      -     0x3fff   Current cylinders [OBS-6]

  55      -     0x0010   Current heads [OBS-6]

  56      -     0x003f   Current sectors per track [OBS-6]

  57-58   -     .        Current capacity in sectors (DWord) [OBS-6]
  57-58   .     0xfc10:00fb  (16514064)

  59      -     0x9101   Sanitize Device - READ/WRITE MULTIPLE support
  59     15          1   BLOCK ERASE EXT supported
  59     14          0   OVERWRITE EXT supported
  59     13          0   CRYPTO SCRAMBLE EXT supported
  59     12          1   Sanitize Device feature set supported
  59     11          0   Cmds during sanitize are as specified by ACS-3
  59     10          0   SANITIZE ANTIFREEZE LOCK EXT supported
  59      9          0   Reserved
  59      8          1   Bits 7:0 are valid [OBS-ACS-4]
  59      7:0     0x01   Current number of sectors per DRQ [OBS-ACS-4]

  60-61   -     .        User addressable sectors for 28-bit commands (DWord)
  60-61   .     0xffff:0fff  (268435455)

  62      -     0x0000   Single Word DMA modes [OBS-3]

  63      -     0x0007   Multiword DMA modes
  63     15:11    0x00   Reserved
  63     10          0   Multiword DMA mode 2 selected
  63      9          0   Multiword DMA mode 1 selected
  63      8          0   Multiword DMA mode 0 selected
  63      7:3     0x00   Reserved
  63      2          1   Multiword DMA mode 2 and below supported
  63      1          1   Multiword DMA mode 1 and below supported
  63      0          1   Multiword DMA mode 0 supported

  64      -     0x0003   PIO modes
  64     15:2   0x0000   Reserved
  64      1          1   PIO mode 4 supported
  64      0          1   PIO mode 3 supported

  65      -     0x0078   Minimum Multiword DMA cycle time per word in ns

  66      -     0x0078   Recommended Multiword DMA cycle time in ns

  67      -     0x0078   Minimum PIO cycle time without flow control in ns

  68      -     0x0078   Minimum PIO cycle time with IORDY flow control in ns

  69      -     0x4d20   Additional support
  69     15          0   CFast specification supported
  69     14          1   Deterministic data after trim supported
  69     13          0   LPS Alignment Error Reporting Control supported
  69     12          0   DCO IDENTIFY/SET DMA supported [OBS-ACS-3]
  69     11          1   READ BUFFER DMA supported
  69     10          1   WRITE BUFFER DMA supported
  69      9          0   SET MAX SET PASSWORD/UNLOCK DMA supported [OBS-ACS-3]
  69      8          1   DOWNLOAD MICROCODE DMA supported
  69      7          0   Reserved for IEEE 1667
  69      6          0   Optional ATA device 28-bit commands supported
  69      5          1   Trimmed LBA range(s) returning zeroed data supported
  69      4          0   Device encrypts all user data
  69      3          0   Extended number of user addressable sectors supported
  69      2          0   All write cache is non-volatile
  69      1:0      0x0   Zoned Capabilities [OBS-ACS-5]

  70      -     0x0000   Reserved

  71-74   -     0x00...  Reserved for IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE

  75      -     0x001f   Queue depth
  75     15:5    0x000   Reserved
  75      4:0     0x1f   Maximum queue depth - 1

  76      -     0x850e   Serial ATA capabilities
  76     15          1   READ LOG DMA EXT as equiv to READ LOG EXT supported
  76     14          0   Device Auto Partial to Slumber transitions supported
  76     13          0   Host Auto Partial to Slumber transitions supported
  76     12          0   NCQ priority information supported
  76     11          0   Unload while NCQ commands are outstanding supported
  76     10          1   Phy Event Counters supported
  76      9          0   Receipt of host initiated PM requests supported
  76      8          1   NCQ feature set supported
  76      7:4      0x0   Reserved for Serial ATA
  76      3          1   SATA Gen3 signaling speed (6.0 Gb/s) supported
  76      2          1   SATA Gen2 signaling speed (3.0 Gb/s) supported
  76      1          1   SATA Gen1 signaling speed (1.5 Gb/s) supported
  76      0          0   Must be set to 0

  77      -     0x0006   Serial ATA additional capabilities
  77     15:10    0x00   Reserved for Serial ATA
  77      9          0   Out Of Band Management supported
  77      8          0   Power Disable feature always enabled
  77      7          0   DevSleep to ReducedPwrState supported
  77      6          0   RECEIVE/SEND FPDMA QUEUED supported
  77      5          0   NCQ Queue Management supported
  77      4          0   NCQ Streaming supported
  77      3:1      0x3   Current Serial ATA signal speed
  77      0          0   Must be set to 0

  78      -     0x016c   Serial ATA features supported
  78     15:13     0x0   Reserved for Serial ATA
  78     12          0   Power Disable feature supported
  78     11          0   Rebuild Assist feature set supported
  78     10          0   Reserved for Serial ATA
  78      9          0   Hybrid Information supported
  78      8          1   Device Sleep feature supported
  78      7          0   NCQ Autosense supported
  78      6          1   Software Settings Preservation supported
  78      5          1   Hardware Feature Control supported
  78      4          0   In-order data delivery supported
  78      3          1   Device initiated power management supported
  78      2          1   DMA Setup auto-activation supported
  78      1          0   Non-zero buffer offsets supported
  78      0          0   Must be set to 0

  79      -     0x0040   Serial ATA features enabled
  79     15:12     0x0   Reserved for Serial ATA
  79     11          0   Rebuild Assist feature set enabled
  79     10          0   Power Disable feature enabled
  79      9          0   Hybrid Information enabled
  79      8          0   Device Sleep feature enabled
  79      7          0   Automatic Partial to Slumber transitions enabled
  79      6          1   Software Settings Preservation enabled
  79      5          0   Hardware Feature Control enabled
  79      4          0   In-order data delivery enabled
  79      3          0   Device initiated power management enabled
  79      2          0   DMA Setup auto-activation enabled
  79      1          0   Non-zero buffer offsets enabled
  79      0          0   Must be set to 0

  80      -     0x0ff0   Major version number
  80     15:13     0x0   Reserved
  80     12          0   ACS-5 supported
  80     11          1   ACS-4 supported
  80     10          1   ACS-3 supported
  80      9          1   ACS-2 supported
  80      8          1   ATA8-ACS supported
  80      7          1   ATA/ATAPI-7 supported [OBS-ACS-4]
  80      6          1   ATA/ATAPI-6 supported [OBS-ACS-4]
  80      5          1   ATA/ATAPI-5 supported [OBS-ACS-4]
  80      4          1   ATA/ATAPI-4 supported [OBS-8]
  80      3          0   ATA-3 supported [OBS-7]
  80      2          0   ATA-2 supported [OBS-6]
  80      1          0   ATA-1 supported [OBS-5]
  80      0          0   Reserved

  81      -     0x005e   Minor version number

  82      -     0x306b   Commands and feature sets supported
  82     15          0   IDENTIFY DEVICE DMA supported [OBS-4]
  82     14          0   NOP supported
  82     13          1   READ BUFFER supported
  82     12          1   WRITE BUFFER supported
  82     11          0   WRITE VERIFY supported [OBS-4]
  82     10          0   HPA feature set supported [OBS-ACS-3]
  82      9          0   DEVICE RESET supported
  82      8          0   SERVICE interrupt supported [OBS-ACS-2]
  82      7          0   Release interrupt supported [OBS-ACS-2]
  82      6          1   Read look-ahead supported
  82      5          1   Volatile write cache supported
  82      4          0   PACKET feature set supported
  82      3          1   Power Management feature set supported
  82      2          0   Removable Media feature set supported [OBS-8]
  82      1          1   Security feature set supported
  82      0          1   SMART feature set supported

  83      -     0x7409   Commands and feature sets supported
  83     15:14     0x1   Must be set to 0x1
  83     13          1   FLUSH CACHE EXT supported
  83     12          1   FLUSH CACHE supported
  83     11          0   DCO feature set supported [OBS-ACS-3]
  83     10          1   48-bit Address feature set supported
  83      9          0   AAM feature set supported [OBS-ACS-2]
  83      8          0   SET MAX security extension supported [OBS-ACS-3]
  83      7          0   Reserved for Addr Offset Resvd Area Boot [OBS-ACS-3]
  83      6          0   SET FEATURES subcommand required to spin-up
  83      5          0   PUIS feature set supported
  83      4          0   Removable Media Status Notification supported [OBS-8]
  83      3          1   APM feature set supported
  83      2          0   CFA feature set supported
  83      1          0   TCQ feature set supported [OBS-ACS-2]
  83      0          1   DOWNLOAD MICROCODE supported

  84      -     0x4123   Commands and feature sets supported
  84     15:14     0x1   Must be set to 0x1
  84     13          0   IDLE IMMEDIATE with UNLOAD feature supported
  84     12:11     0x0   Reserved for TLC [OBS-ACS-3]
  84     10          0   URG bit for WRITE STREAM (DMA) EXT supported [OBS-8]
  84      9          0   URG bit for READ STREAM (DMA) EXT supported [OBS-8]
  84      8          1   64-bit World Wide Name supported
  84      7          0   WRITE DMA QUEUED FUA EXT supported [OBS-ACS-2]
  84      6          0   WRITE DMA/MULTIPLE FUA EXT supported
  84      5          1   GPL feature set supported
  84      4          0   Streaming feature set supported
  84      3          0   Media Card Pass Through Command supported [OBS-ACS-2]
  84      2          0   Media serial number supported [RES-ACS-3]
  84      1          1   SMART self-test supported
  84      0          1   SMART error logging supported

  85      -     0x3069   Commands and feature sets supported or enabled
  85     15          0   IDENTIFY DEVICE DMA supported [OBS-4]
  85     14          0   NOP supported
  85     13          1   READ BUFFER supported
  85     12          1   WRITE BUFFER supported
  85     11          0   WRITE VERIFY supported [OBS-4]
  85     10          0   HPA feature set supported [OBS-ACS-3]
  85      9          0   DEVICE RESET supported
  85      8          0   SERVICE interrupt enabled [OBS-ACS-2]
  85      7          0   Release interrupt enabled [OBS-ACS-2]
  85      6          1   Read look-ahead enabled
  85      5          1   Write cache enabled
  85      4          0   PACKET feature set supported
  85      3          1   Power Management feature set supported
  85      2          0   Removable Media feature set supported [OBS-8]
  85      1          0   Security feature set enabled
  85      0          1   SMART feature set enabled

  86      -     0xb409   Commands and feature sets supported or enabled
  86     15          1   Words 119-120 are valid
  86     14          0   Reserved
  86     13          1   FLUSH CACHE EXT supported
  86     12          1   FLUSH CACHE supported
  86     11          0   DCO feature set supported [OBS-ACS-3]
  86     10          1   48-bit Address features set supported
  86      9          0   AAM feature set enabled [OBS-ACS-2]
  86      8          0   SET MAX security extension enabled [OBS-ACS-3]
  86      7          0   Reserved for Addr Offset Resvd Area Boot [OBS-ACS-3]
  86      6          0   SET FEATURES subcommand required to spin-up
  86      5          0   PUIS feature set enabled
  86      4          0   Removable Media Status Notification enabled [OBS-8]
  86      3          1   APM feature set enabled
  86      2          0   CFA feature set supported
  86      1          0   TCQ feature set supported [OBS-ACS-2]
  86      0          1   DOWNLOAD MICROCODE supported

  87      -     0x4123   Commands and feature sets supported or enabled
  87     15:14     0x1   Must be set to 0x1
  87     13          0   IDLE IMMEDIATE with UNLOAD FEATURE supported
  87     12:11     0x0   Reserved for TLC [OBS-ACS-3]
  87     10          0   URG bit for WRITE STREAM (DMA) EXT supported [OBS-8]
  87      9          0   URG bit for READ STREAM (DMA) EXT supported [OBS-8]
  87      8          1   64-bit World Wide Name supported
  87      7          0   WRITE DMA QUEUED FUA EXT supported [OBS-ACS-2]
  87      6          0   WRITE DMA/MULTIPLE FUA EXT supported
  87      5          1   GPL feature set supported
  87      4          0   Valid CONFIGURE STREAM has been executed [OBS-8]
  87      3          0   Media Card Pass Through Command supported [OBS-ACS-2]
  87      2          0   Media serial number is valid
  87      1          1   SMART self-test supported
  87      0          1   SMART error logging supported

  88      -     0x407f   Ultra DMA modes
  88     15          0   Reserved
  88     14          1   Ultra DMA mode 6 selected
  88     13          0   Ultra DMA mode 5 selected
  88     12          0   Ultra DMA mode 4 selected
  88     11          0   Ultra DMA mode 3 selected
  88     10          0   Ultra DMA mode 2 selected
  88      9          0   Ultra DMA mode 1 selected
  88      8          0   Ultra DMA mode 0 selected
  88      7          0   Reserved
  88      6          1   Ultra DMA mode 6 and below supported
  88      5          1   Ultra DMA mode 5 and below supported
  88      4          1   Ultra DMA mode 4 and below supported
  88      3          1   Ultra DMA mode 3 and below supported
  88      2          1   Ultra DMA mode 2 and below supported
  88      1          1   Ultra DMA mode 1 and below supported
  88      0          1   Ultra DMA mode 0 supported

  89      -     0x0001   SECURITY ERASE UNIT time
  89     15          0   Bits 14:8 of value are valid
  89     14:0   0x0001   SECURITY ERASE UNIT time value

  90      -     0x0001   ENHANCED SECURITY ERASE UNIT time
  90     15          0   Bits 14:8 of value are valid
  90     14:0   0x0001   ENHANCED SECURITY ERASE UNIT time value

  91      -     0x0080   Current APM level
  91     15:8     0x00   Reserved
  91      7:0     0x80   Current APM level value

  92      -     0xfffe   Master Password Identifier

  93      -     0x0000   Hardware reset result (PATA)
  93     15:14     0x0   Must be set to 0x1
  93     13          0   Device detected CBLID- above(1)/below(0) ViHB
  93     12          0   Reserved
  93     11          0   Device 1 asserted PDIAG-
  93     10:9      0x0   Device 1 detection method: -, Jumper, CSEL, other
  93      8          0   Must be set to 1
  93      7          0   Reserved
  93      6          0   Device 0 responds when device 1 selected
  93      5          0   Device 0 detected the assertion of DASP-
  93      4          0   Device 0 detected the assertion of PDIAG-
  93      3          0   Device 0 passed diagnostics
  93      2:1      0x0   Device 0 detection method: -, Jumper, CSEL, other
  93      0          0   Must be set to 1 for PATA devices

  94      -     0x0000   AAM level [OBS-ACS-2]
  94     15:8     0x00   Recommended AAM level [OBS-ACS-2]
  94      7:0     0x00   Current AAM level [OBS-ACS-2]

  95      -     0x0000   Stream Minimum Request Size

  96      -     0x0000   Streaming Transfer Time - DMA

  97      -     0x0000   Streaming Access Latency - DMA and PIO

  98-99   -     0x00...  Streaming Performance Granularity (DWord)

 100-103  -     .        User addressable sectors for 48-bit commands (QWord)
 100-103  .     0x6db0:7470:0000:0000  (1953525168)

 104      -     0x0000   Streaming Transfer Time - PIO

 105      -     0x0008   Max blocks of LBA Range Entries per DS MANAGEMENT cmd

 106      -     0x4000   Physical sector size / logical sector size
 106     15:14     0x1   Must be set to 0x1
 106     13          0   Multiple logical sectors per physical sector
 106     12          0   Logical Sector longer than 256 words
 106     11:4     0x00   Reserved
 106      3:0      0x0   2^X logical sectors per physical sector

 107      -     0x0000   Inter-seek delay for ISO 7779 acoustic testing

 108-111  -     .        World Wide Name
 108-111  .     0x5001:b448:b291:f336

 112-115  -     0x00...  Reserved

 116      -     0x0000   Reserved for TLC [OBS-ACS-3]

 117-118  -     0x00...  Logical sector size (DWord)

 119      -     0x411c   Commands and feature sets supported
 119     15:14     0x1   Must be set to 0x1
 119     13:10     0x0   Reserved
 119      9          0   DSN feature set supported
 119      8          1   Accessible Max Address Config feature set supported
 119      7          0   Extended Power Conditions feature set supported
 119      6          0   Sense Data Reporting feature set supported
 119      5          0   Free-fall Control feature set supported
 119      4          1   DOWNLOAD MICROCODE with mode 3 supported
 119      3          1   READ/WRITE LOG DMA EXT supported
 119      2          1   WRITE UNCORRECTABLE EXT supported
 119      1          0   Write-Read-Verify feature set supported
 119      0          0   Reserved for DDT [OBS-ACS-3]

 120      -     0x401c   Commands and feature sets supported or enabled
 120     15:14     0x1   Must be set to 0x1
 120     13:10     0x0   Reserved
 120      9          0   DSN feature set enabled
 120      8          0   Reserved
 120      7          0   Extended Power Conditions feature set enabled
 120      6          0   Sense Data Reporting feature set enabled
 120      5          0   Free-fall Control feature set enabled
 120      4          1   DOWNLOAD MICROCODE with mode 3 supported
 120      3          1   READ/WRITE LOG DMA EXT supported
 120      2          1   WRITE UNCORRECTABLE EXT supported
 120      1          0   Write-Read-Verify feature set enabled
 120      0          0   Reserved for DDT [OBS-ACS-3]

 121-126  -     0x00...  Reserved

 127      -     0x0000   Removable Media Status Notification [OBS-8]
 127     15:1   0x0000   Reserved
 127      0          0   Removable Media Status Notification supported [OBS-8]

 128      -     0x0021   Security status
 128     15:9     0x00   Reserved
 128      8          0   Master password capability: 0 = High, 1 = Maximum
 128      7:6      0x0   Reserved
 128      5          1   Enhanced security erase supported
 128      4          0   Security count expired
 128      3          0   Security frozen
 128      2          0   Security locked
 128      1          0   Security enabled
 128      0          1   Security supported

 129-159  -     .        Vendor specific
 129-132  .     0x0000:0000:0000:0000
 133-136  .     0x0000:0000:0000:0000
 137-140  .     0x0000:0000:0000:0000
 141-144  .     0x4130:3031:3242:5144
 145-159  .     0x0000:0000:0000:00...

 160      -     0x0000   CFA power mode

 161-167  -     0x00...  Reserved for CFA

 168      -     0x0007   Form factor
 168     15:4    0x000   Reserved
 168      3:0      0x7   Nominal form factor: -, 5.25, 3.5, 2.5, 1.8, ...

 169      -     0x0001   DATA SET MANAGEMENT command support
 169     15:1   0x0000   Reserved
 169      0          1   Trim bit in DATA SET MANAGEMENT command supported

 170-173  -     0x00...  Additional product identifier (String)

 174-175  -     0x00...  Reserved

 176-205  -     .        Current media serial number (String)
 176-179  .     0x2020:2020:2020:2020  "        "
 180-183  .     0x2020:2020:2020:2020  "        "
 184-187  .     0x2020:2020:2020:2020  "        "
 188-191  .     0x2020:2020:2020:2020  "        "
 192-195  .     0x2020:2020:2020:2020  "        "
 196-199  .     0x2020:2020:2020:2020  "        "
 200-203  .     0x2020:2020:2020:2020  "        "
 204-205  .     0x2020:2020            "    "

 206      -     0x0000   SCT Command Transport
 206     15:12     0x0   Vendor specific
 206     11:8      0x0   Reserved
 206      7          0   Reserved for Serial ATA
 206      6          0   Reserved
 206      5          0   SCT Data Tables supported
 206      4          0   SCT Feature Control supported
 206      3          0   SCT Error Recovery Control supported
 206      2          0   SCT Write Same supported
 206      1          0   SCT Read/Write Long supported [OBS-ACS-2]
 206      0          0   SCT Command Transport supported

 207-208  -     0x00...  Reserved

 209      -     0x4000   Alignment of logical sectors
 209     15:14     0x1   Must be set to 0x1
 209     13:0   0x0000   Logical sector offset

 210-211  -     0x00...  Write-Read-Verify sector count mode 3 (DWord)

 212-213  -     0x00...  Write-Read-Verify sector count mode 2 (DWord)

 214      -     0x0000   NV Cache capabilities [OBS-ACS-3]
 214     15:12     0x0   NV Cache feature set version [OBS-ACS-3]
 214     11:8      0x0   NV Cache Power Mode feature set version [OBS-ACS-3]
 214      7:5      0x0   Reserved [OBS-ACS-3]
 214      4          0   NV Cache feature set enabled [OBS-ACS-3]
 214      3:2      0x0   Reserved
 214      1          0   NV Cache Power Mode feature set enabled [OBS-ACS-3]
 214      0          0   NV Cache Power Mode feature set supported [OBS-ACS-3]

 215-216  -     0x00...  NV Cache size in logical blocks (DWord) [OBS-ACS-3]

 217      -     0x0001   Nominal media rotation rate

 218      -     0x0000   Reserved

 219      -     0x0000   NV Cache options [OBS-ACS-3]
 219     15:8     0x00   Reserved [OBS-ACS-3]
 219      7:0     0x00   Estimated time to spin up in seconds [OBS-ACS-3]

 220      -     0x0000   Write-Read-Verify mode
 220     15:8     0x00   Reserved
 220      7:0     0x00   Write-Read-Verify feature set current mode

 221      -     0x0000   Reserved

 222      -     0x11ff   Transport major version number
 222     15:12     0x1   Type: 0x1 = Serial  | 0x0 = Parallel | 0xe = PCIe
 222     11          0   Reserved
 222     10          0   SATA 3.5
 222      9          0   SATA 3.4
 222      8          1   SATA 3.3
 222      7          1   SATA 3.2
 222      6          1   SATA 3.1
 222      5          1   SATA 3.0
 222      4          1   SATA 2.6
 222      3          1   SATA 2.5
 222      2          1   SATA II: Extensions
 222      1          1   SATA 1.0a           | ATA/ATAPI-7 [OBS-ACS-5]
 222      0          1   ATA8-AST            | ATA8-APT    [OBS-ACS-5]

 223      -     0x0000   Transport minor version number

 224-229  -     0x00...  Reserved

 230-233  -     0x00...  Extended number of user addressable sectors (QWord)

 234      -     0x0001   Minimum blocks per DOWNLOAD MICROCODE mode 3 command

 235      -     0x0080   Maximum blocks per DOWNLOAD MICROCODE mode 3 command

 236-254  -     0x00...  Reserved

 255      -     0xb5a5   Integrity word
 255     15:8     0xb5   Checksum
 255      7:0     0xa5   Signature

#1785 worksforme Decipher NVMe errors Artem S. Tashkinov

Currently smartctl doesn't properly parse and decode NVMe log errors.

Would be nice if you did.

#1784 fixed Fix format of sntasmedia "Get Log Page" passthrough CDB Christian Franke cyrozap

Based on my own reverse engineering efforts, the current implementation is almost correct, but there are two issues:

  • The Number of Dwords Lower (NUMDL) field in this command is two bytes (big-endian), not one byte.
  • The final eight bytes of the CDB are the Log Page Offset as a big-endian, 64-bit qword.

The details of this command (and others) can be found in my reverse engineering repo here (see command 0xE6: "Send NVMe Admin Command"):

Attached is the patch that fixes the above issues, as well as the smartctl -d sntasmedia -q noserial -x output for two different SSD enclosures:

  • An Alxum ASM2362-based enclosure with a Crucial P5 Plus SSD
  • An ASM2364-based Seagate FireCuda Gaming SSD

After applying the patch, I've confirmed using Wireshark that requesting more than 512 bytes works (the most I saw requested was 1024 bytes / 0x100 dwords), and the responses contain valid data and are not truncated. No command timeouts were experienced during this testing.

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