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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#752 fixed update-smart-drivedb should authenticate the downloaded file [Windows] Christian Franke Christian Franke

Ticket #751 must be implemented separately for Windows.

#751 fixed update-smart-drivedb should authenticate the downloaded file Christian Franke Christian Franke

The update-smart-drivedb script does not authenticate the downloaded drivedb.h file. At least the smartmontools packages from Debian and Ubuntu do no longer provide this script due to security concerns (see Debian Bug 804299).

A check with GnuPG could be added as follows:

  • Add missing drivedb branches for recent release (e.g. RELEASE_6_5_DRIVEDB) and for current trunk (RELEASE_6_6_DRIVEDB). Then the fallback to a download from trunk is no longer needed.
  • Create a new signing key for drive database files.
  • Add signature files drivedb.h.raw.asc to each maintained branch. These are generated from versions of drivedb.h with unexpanded SVN "$Id$" strings. No such file is needed for the trunk.
  • Modify the update-smart-drivedb script such that it downloads drivedb.h and drivedb.h.raw.asc always from the correct branch and then verifies the signature with GPG. The public key could be kept in the script itself.

When changes to the trunk version of the database are later merged to all maintained branches, the signature files could be updated with the same commit. Only these commits will require access to the private key.

#126 fixed update-smart-drivedb script requires GNU sed Christian Franke Christian Franke

update-smart-drivedb script doesn't work properly with BSD sed since it contains ERE.

Reported in MacPorts Ticket #27330.

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