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Results (94 - 96 of 1414)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#99 fixed Outdated IBM Deskstar links in drivedb Christian Franke scop

There are a couple of outdated IBM Deskstar links in drivedb.h, patch attached. I have not verified any information at the new site, but it seems similar to the last archived copy of the old geocities page at

#100 wontfix please make smart module for lm_sensors somebody eric-a-hall

lm_sensors has the ability to display sensor data from multiple sources. Unfortunately there is not a module that will display HD temperature data. Instead the lm_sensors documentation says that the smartmontools package should be used to gather and display this data. While the smart tools are certainly very nice as a separate package, it would be very helpful if the smart data was integrated with lm_sensors so that the HD temperature could be displayed alongside all of the other sensor data. For example there are numerous tools that have been compiled with the sensor libraries (EG, desktop applets, SNMP agents, etc), and it would be very helpful if HD temperature data was available through those channels alongside all of the other sensor readings, instead of isolated from them.

I am making the same request to the lm_sensors developers


#101 fixed os_netbsd.cpp: Migrate to new dev_interface Christian Franke Christian Franke

Recent enhancements require features from the new dev_interface like full ATA pass-through support (see ticket #52).

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