Custom Query (1433 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 1433)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1757 invalid HP EX950 Nvme Drive not in database Alan Knepper

Submitting output of smartctl -x /dev/nvme0n1

#770 wontfix [Future Req./Bug] using smartctl in SMSC Buffalo USB Ext-HDD doesn't work Chromaryu

Read title.

Linux detects as Bus 002 Device 006: ID 0411:002a BUFFALO INC. (formerly MelCo., Inc.) SMSC USB97C202 "HD-HB300V2-EU"

But smartctl doesn't work under this device, Through my Int-HDD works.

Can someone please look into it?

#782 fixed Support sg_io_v4 on /dev/bsg/* Alex Samorukov Alexander K Austin

This enables usage on /dev/bsg/* devices. It has been trivially tested on my machine.

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