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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1769 invalid Getting error when adding a new drive to drivedb.h Cassiano.Silva


I added a new drive to the drivedb.h file, similarly to another drive we already have in that file. When I try to run smartctl I get following error message: Syntax error in preset option string.

As I mentioned, it's similar to another drive we already had in the file, but the error appears. Is it actually possible to add a new drive to the drivedb.h file and run it in the same folder?

Thanks, Cassiano

#658 wontfix Many (long) HDD default timeouts cause data loss or corruption (silent controller resets) Ch.Ris

The default error correction timeouts of many HDDs cause data loss or corruption (so long or disabled that the controller hard resets the drives instead of only marking single blocks as bad). And the smartctl utility is the place to adjust the "scterc" timeouts of HDDs.

Please ship the provided scripts and default udev rule with the smartmontools package, so that they try to configure safe timeouts, depending on the drives capabilities, usage and configuration.

The problem with mismatching default timeouts surfaced through repeated reports about drives being droped from raid arrays, and about a high rate of unrecoverable errors occuring during raid-reconstruction, on the linux-raid mailinglist, but the problem is not limited to redundant disk setups. Many experienced "disk failures" are probably just failures due to mismatched recovery timeout settings.

(The scripts have been posted upstream without response, but it is still a distro resposibility to ensure that installations will have safe defaults. Note that the provided udev rules specific to mdadm are only to be included in the mdadm package.)


The error recovery (ERC) time of a drive *must* be shorter than the controller timeout.

Otherwise read errors will cause controller resets, leading to direct data loss or, if it is a redundant disk, loss of redundancy and a very high probability of another read error and data loss when re-establishing the redundancy.

If a drive does not support adjusting its ERC timeout, the controller timeout must be increased above the drive's maximal error recovery time. If you don't want that kind of long device timeout, you should look for a drive with SCT ERC timeout support. (smartctl -l scterc /dev/...)

The files are attached at:

#797 fixed MKNSSDRE256GB Mushkin SSD drive not in the database Charles Curley

See attachment.

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