Custom Query (1417 matches)


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Results (211 - 213 of 1417)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1096 fixed drivedb.h update for Samsung PM863a and Dell-flavor Intel S3500 Christian Franke Anthony D'Atri

Dell ships / shipped Intel drives with an R instead of T in the model string.

#854 invalid drivedb.h parser ignores lines with // comments Ivan

Subj, even those where the comment is after non-commented-out data.

See attached e-mail for an example (I'll send it to smartmontools-database shortly after I get this ticket's number to reference).

#1125 wontfix drivedb.h not up to date when smartmontools is downloaded Cameron Costa

When version 6.6 of smartmontools is downloaded from the sourceforge link, it does not include the latest version of the drivedb.h file, but an older version. This can cause confusion when smartctl reports that a drive is not contained in the database, even if it actually is in a later revision. I read the comment about the update executable not working anymore, and this is probably linked to that issue, but I thought i would bring it to someone's attention. Thanks!

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