Custom Query (1376 matches)


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Results (193 - 195 of 1376)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#73 wontfix filename for save should include SerialNumber and time somebody dg12

It would be nicer if the defaulted filename for saving the status was in the form: ssssss-yymmdd-hhmm

#74 duplicate filename for save should include SerialNumber and time somebody dg12

It would be nicer if the defaulted filename for saving the status was in the form: ssssss-yymmdd-hhmm

#59 fixed external drivedb Christian Franke taggart

Would it be possible to make the drivedb an external file with a standard format that is loaded at runtime? Then it could be published at some canonical url and you could download a new version to use with your existing version of smartmontools. Then you could provide a tool to update the local copy of the drivedb. There are a few other similar tools that do this:

lspci / update-pciids lsusb / update-usbids

You could follow their examples for file locations and utility behavior, hopefully it wouldn't be too hard.


-- Matt Taggart taggart@…

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