Custom Query (1376 matches)


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Results (190 - 192 of 1376)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1516 duplicate hp array (CCISS) support for windows maclin

CCISS (HP/Compaq Smart Array Controller) is not supported, is there any way to add support for windows?

#850 invalid how to setup disk failure alerts notification to email in centos 7.3 anoopv121

how to setup disk failure alerts notification to email in centos 7.3

The requirement is i should i get email notification if some disk's failed on the server. Now its very difficult to get to know some disk's are failed in the server.

Could you please help on this, I am new to smartctl

#630 invalid how to configure amazon aws mail server to send smartd alerts venu

Hi, I want to setup amazon aws mail server as the mail configuration for smartd. Is it possible? if yes what are the steps involved in achieving so? Thanks in advance!

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