Custom Query (1376 matches)


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Results (184 - 186 of 1376)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#308 fixed intel 530 ssd db entry Christian Franke mapbuh

Intel 530 series are not in DB. Here I'm attaching diff, with updated attributes from Intel documentation about the drive

#316 fixed improvements for the systemd service file Christian Franke cadhalpun

I think the service file for smartmontools could be improved:

  • Add a reference to the documentation in the [Unit] section, e.g.:

Documentation=man:smartd(8) man:smartd.conf(5)

  • The 'EnvironmentFile=-/usr/local/etc/sysconfig/smartmontools' line should not be in the unit file, as that contains only three configuration options, two of which (enable_smart, start_smartd) are completely ignored by the service file and the third (smartd_opts) is only for additional command line options, that should better be changed in the service file itself.

The second point has already been requested in ticket 194, but was not implemented. I think having the 'EnvironmentFile=' line in the service file is more confusing than helpful, so please consider removing it.

#191 fixed improve the example to examine smartctl's return code Christian Franke robkehl


Thank you for this brilliant piece of software.

I just want to suggest a minor improvement to the man page of smartctl.

At section "RETURN VALUES" near the end of the man page for smartctl[8], you state an example to examine the error code returned by smartctl:

To test within the shell for whether or not the  different  bits
are  turned  on  or  off, you can use the following type of con‐
struction (this is bash syntax):
smartstat=$(($? & 8))
This looks at only at bit  3  of  the  exit  status  $?   (since
8=2^3).   The shell variable $smartstat will be nonzero if SMART
status check returned "disk failing" and zero otherwise.

Why not show the user a way to examine all error codes by including something like this:

E=$?; for ((i=0; i<8;i++)); do echo "Bit $i: $(($E & 2**$i && 1))"; done

This would produce output like the following:

Bit 0: 0
Bit 1: 0
Bit 2: 0
Bit 3: 0
Bit 4: 0
Bit 5: 0
Bit 6: 1
Bit 7: 0

With kind regards,

Robert Kehl

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