Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (142 - 144 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#97 fixed os_freebsd.cpp: need to detect /dev/mfidx devices and display help Alex Samorukov Alex Samorukov

FreeBSD supports megaraid (and Dell) controllers with mfi driver. We don`t need to add any code to the smartmontools because mfip driver exports array drives as /dev/passX devices. But its better to add special detection of such devices and show user message like "please load mfip.ko module and run 'smartctl /dev/passX' to see smart info"

#141 fixed os_freebsd.cpp: correct location for usb headers on DragonFly BSD Christian Franke rumko

On DragonFly BSD usb headers are not located in dev/usb/ but bus/usb/ the attached patch fixes that and enables smartmontools to compile successfully.

#687 fixed os_freebsd.cpp: Support NVMe device scanning Alex Samorukov Christian Franke

smartctl -d nvme --scan and smartd.conf DEVICESCAN -d nvme do not work on FreeBSD.

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