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Results (124 - 126 of 1433)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#100 wontfix please make smart module for lm_sensors somebody eric-a-hall

lm_sensors has the ability to display sensor data from multiple sources. Unfortunately there is not a module that will display HD temperature data. Instead the lm_sensors documentation says that the smartmontools package should be used to gather and display this data. While the smart tools are certainly very nice as a separate package, it would be very helpful if the smart data was integrated with lm_sensors so that the HD temperature could be displayed alongside all of the other sensor data. For example there are numerous tools that have been compiled with the sensor libraries (EG, desktop applets, SNMP agents, etc), and it would be very helpful if HD temperature data was available through those channels alongside all of the other sensor readings, instead of isolated from them.

I am making the same request to the lm_sensors developers


#301 worksforme please improve Selective Self-Tests using smartd/smartctl Christian Franke alzheimer

I love the selective self tests feature (-t select,min-max/next/cont[+SIZE]). The long tests just take too long. However I can't get it to work right with smartd.

My configuration is this:

  • smartmontools version 6.2
  • smartd started with --savestates=/var/lib/smartd/ and verified that state files actually appear in that location
  • smartd.conf with -a -s c/../.././17 for all disks

My issues are these:

  • when I -t select,min-max a disk (to get things started), this info usually does not make it into the state files. And without the state files nothing works as my WDC disks don't seem to keep the data across reboots
  • after adding selective-test-last-start/end manually to the state files, things *seem* to work for a while. But it seems to forget the range size after a couple of days, probably when it reaches the end of the disk?
  • one of the disks is a SSD (Crucial M4 64G), and I did a -t select,0-max on it in an attempt to make the cont check always check the entire thing. What happens instead is that smartd actually checks nothing (0-0) every time and the last start/end vanishes from the state file. (I'm aware I should just make an extra config entry for the SSDs that use long tests as they don't take long on SSDs.)
  • If possible I'd like to be able to specify the SIZE directly in smartd.conf the same way it's possible to do on the command line (-t select,cont+SIZE). Ideally this should also remove the need of running the first select test manually.
  • It would be cool if SIZE could be specified as a percentage, so for example a DEFAULT entry that checks 5% of a disk could be made regardless of disk sizes.
#69 fixed please detect lacie hd 0x059f:0x0951 Christian Franke fgiunchedi

Similar to ticket #65 this is a lacie HD supported by -d usbjmicron. please detect automatically

/dev/sdb: Unknown USB bridge [0x059f:0x0951 (0x000)] Bus 001 Device 022: ID 059f:0951 LaCie, Ltd

thanks, filippo

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