Custom Query (1433 matches)


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Results (115 - 117 of 1433)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#161 wontfix sas disks connected to 3ware sas controllers support somebody art9

Please add support of sas disks connected to 3ware sas controllers if possible. I can give access to linux box with 3ware controller and sas disks if necessary.

#1265 invalid sample ticket Alex Samorukov
#190 worksforme request to provide source code somebody nutalapati

HI there ,

I request you to please share me the source code of smartmon tools that works only on Windows XP /Windows 2003 server. and if possible dedicated only for SCSI / SAS . Also please suggest me an IDE with I can actually modify and compile the code, Visual studio 2003,2005,2006 solution files wil be highly appreciated,

I was actually confused to find the exact code flow from main->main worker->device .

If it is not possible to share any of the above information kindly provide me information of how to pass SCSI commands using SAS interface and the associated IOCTL control codes and structure,

I will promise a clear contribution from end after reciving solution I will try to share the knowledge that I have gained

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