Custom Query (1414 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 1414)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1813 duplicate smartd does not run self-tests on NVME devices elenril

I am very happy that 7.4 adds support for self-tests on NVME devices to smartctl, and it indeed works with the two drives in my machine. However, this does not seem to extend to smartd, as it seems to be ignoring these devices when running self-tests.

I have the following line in my smartd.conf:

DEVICESCAN -d removable -s (S/../.././02|L/../15/./03) -n standby -m root -M exec /usr/share/smartmontools/smartd-runner

but have also tried specifying the devices explicitly. smartd does recognize the devices and claims to monitor them (see attached log), just never runs any self-tests (unlike on SATA devices).

#36 fixed smartd directive '-l selftest' does no longer work Christian Franke Christian Franke

Due to a regression in ataPrintSmartSelfTestlog(), smartd directive '-l selftest' does no longer work. Nothing is logged if the number of failed tests reported in the SMART Self-Test Log has increased.

#540 wontfix smartd config option to monitor only boot drive miknik

i found it handy if smartd can be set to monitor only first hdd(ssd) in system that used as boot. with auto detection of drive type (hdd ssd scsi etc).

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