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Results (52 - 54 of 1433)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1538 invalid smartd gets confused about which drive is reporting temperature changes? Jimmie

OS: OpenSUSE Leap 15.3 (x86-64) smartmontools version 7.0-6.1

I've received a number of smartd email notifications over the past few weeks. Every time, the system journal suggests that smartd detected a temperature change on /dev/sda but that an error was logged against /dev/nvme.

My system has two SSDs: /dev/sda: Samsung 850 EVO /dev/nvme0: SK Hynix P31

The following warning/error was logged by the smartd daemon today:

   Device: /dev/nvme0, number of Error Log entries increased from 11 to 12
   Device info:
   SHGP31-1000GM-2, S/N:XXXXXX, FW:41060C20

The system journal from that timestamp shows the following:

smartd[1511]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Usage Attribute: 190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel changed from 74 [Raw 26] to 73 [Raw 27]
smartd[1511]: Device: /dev/nvme0, number of Error Log entries increased from 11 to 12
smartd[1511]: Sending warning via <mail> to xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx ...
smartd[1511]: Warning via <mail> to xxxxxx@xxxxxxxx: successful

For some reason, it looks like smartd logged the error against /dev/nvme0?

#1248 worksforme smartd fails to start when no disks are present onlyjob

As reported in "smartd" fails to start on the system without disks (e.g. KVM).

It would be better to start the daemon anyway and wait for pluggable disks to appear.

This could help to prevent init system failures on attempted start of "smartd".

#121 worksforme smartd fails to report disk failure if a disk doesn't respond anymore Christian Franke kaluscha

I had a self test running on disk hdb:

smartd: Device: /dev/hdb, self-test in progress, 10% remaining

The disk encountered problems, see /var/log/messages:

kernel: hdb: dma_timer_expiry: dma status == 0x61
kernel: hdb: DMA timeout error
kernel: hdb: dma timeout error: status=0xd0 { Busy }
kernel: ide: failed opcode was: unknown
kernel: hda: DMA disabled
kernel: hdb: DMA disabled
kernel: ide0: reset: success

There were several kernel IDE resets until the drive didn't respond anymore:

kernel: hdb: drive not ready for command

smartd wrote messages:

smartd: Device: /dev/hdb, failed to read Temperature

However, smartd had been configured to send e-mails in case of trouble (/dev/hdb -a -I 194 -W 4,40,42 -R 5 -m myamil). In this case, it failed to do so.

In my opinion this is a major problem as smartd should inform the admins that a disk is complety offline, i.,e. doesn't respond to requests on the IDE bus anymore.

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