Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (160 - 162 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1728 fixed Add one more C300 RealSSD to drivedb (MTFDBAK256MAG-1G1) Christian Franke JoB

Attached you can find the txt output file according to FAQ.

Device is similar to other C300 devices sharing the attributes of C400 series as described in detail here:

Device from this family was reported at ticket 1421 but that report was strange

#815 fixed Add options '-g/s dsn' to set/get DSN feature. Christian Franke JonghwanChoi

For supporting enable/disable DSN feature.

#555 fixed Add osx installer and package to the SF downloads Alex Samorukov Alex Samorukov

There are number of ways to get recent smartmontools on the OSX. However all of them will require to install many additional tools (xcode, etc.) and result may vary. It should be find to have kind of "reference" build available from the sourceforge download. As far as i could see [1] it should be possible to do such cross-build from the Linux env, however i did not tried yet myself.

Correct resolution of the tickets should include:

  1. Setup and build smartmontools under osxcross, check if autoconf may handle this [done]
  2. Find if it is possible to generate pkg on Linux
  3. Find if it possible to do dmg on Linux [done, using mkisofs + dmg]?
  4. Find if it is possible to run smartd as a daemon with desktop notifications
  5. Make smartctl/smartd universal binaries (32 and 64 bits)
  6. If everything works - add result to the SF downloads :)

[1] [2]

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