Custom Query (1383 matches)


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Results (157 - 159 of 1383)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#217 wontfix Add phpBB to Hosted Apps! somebody John Peterson

Please add phpBB to Hosted Apps!

I believe this is the best project around which to discuss S.M.A.R.T. related issues.

I have several questions I want to discuss in your forum. For example

How does the firmware, drivers and operating system avoid writing to pending sectors? How does software force writing to pending sectors?

Why is there a mismatch between the S.M.A.R.T. pending sector count and the sector error count from ddrescue?


#1082 fixed Add scsi grown defect list value in json ouput Christian Franke Rick Chen

scsiprint.cpp : Add JSON values 'scsi_grown_defect_list'.

#1083 fixed Add scsi percentage used endurance indicator json value Christian Franke Rick Chen

scsiprint.cpp: Add scsi percentage used endurance indicator json value

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