Custom Query (1418 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 1418)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1316 fixed Add Samsung SSD 850 PRO 2TB Christian Franke Andrii
#463 fixed Add SanDisk X300s 512Gb to the drivedb Alex Samorukov ava1ar

Please, could you add the following device in drivedb: SanDisk SD7UB2Q512G1122 (Sandisk X300s 512Gb).

I checked both 6.3 release and latest SVN build, but drive is not in database.

#349 fixed Add SanDisk X300s and Apacer 4GB SLC to the drivedb Alex Samorukov jeremy385893

Please, could you add the following devices in drivedb:

  • SSD SanDisk X300s 64GB MLC (SD7SB3Q-64G)
  • SSD SanDisk X300s 256GB MLC (SD7SB3Q-256G)
  • SSD SanDisk X300s 128GB MLC (SD7SB3Q-128G)
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.