Custom Query (1417 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 1417)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1656 fixed Add Netac Z Slim (Netac MobileDataStar, 0x0dd8:0x0562) Christian Franke andreymal

smartctl prints "Unknown USB bridge", but "-d sat" works fine (with UAS disabled).

I didn't find a datasheet or something, but CrystalDiskInfo shows these attribute names: SmartSiliconMotion

Product page:

#667 fixed Add OCZ VeloDrive R petamem

can work as a RAID of smaller SSDs or simply pass these SSDs to the OS. Attached is the smartctl info for one of these 75GB SSDs.

We have the 300GB version which has has 4 of these 75GB SSDs.

#277 fixed Add OWC Mercury EXTREME Pro 6G SSD to drivedb.h somebody sbytnar

Hi. The drivedb.h contains strings to detect other OWC SSDs, but not the OWC Mercury EXTREME Pro 6G SSD. Attached is a patch to add support for the Extreme Pro 6G models.

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