Custom Query (1419 matches)


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Results (7 - 9 of 1419)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#144 fixed "smartctl -l xerror -l xselftest" does not report errors in exit status Christian Franke Christian Franke

The command "smartctl -l error -l selftest" sets bit 6 or 7 of exit status if the logs contain records of errors. This does not work if "smartctl -l xerror -l xselftest" is used instead.

#735 invalid "smartctl -o on sdX" disables spindown jimbob

Having turned smartctl -o on (and then off again) my WD passport 2TB usb drive no longer spins down when idle.

Something similar is noted here:

However, in my case it is not desired behaviour. It now runs rather hot.

Can anything be done?

#659 fixed "update-smart-drivedb" uses old sourceforge HTTP link Christian Franke ackackack

When curl is used in the drivedb update script it does not follow the redirect as given by sourceforge for http to https

Curl can be told to follow redirects with the -L option

Here is a simple patch that seems to solve this issue:

@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 for t in $os_dltools; do
   if which $t >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
     case $t in
-      curl)  DOWNLOAD="curl ${q:+-s }"'-f -o "$" "$SRC"' ;;
+      curl)  DOWNLOAD="curl -L ${q:+-s }"'-f -o "$" "$SRC"' ;;
       lynx)  DOWNLOAD='lynx -source "$SRC" >"$"' ;;
       wget)  DOWNLOAD="wget $q"'-O "$" "$SRC"' ;;
       fetch) DOWNLOAD='fetch -o "$" "$SRC"' ;; # FreeBSD

As an alternative the URL for the updates could be modified to look to https instead of http:

@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@

 # Download URL for sourceforge code browser

 # Parse options
 q="-q "

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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