Custom Query (1368 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 1368)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#611 fixed Add Innostor USB3.0 to SATAIII bridge R00kie

I have an ebay enclosure with an Innostor USB3.0 to SATAIII bridge that isn't recognized by smartctl.

The attached patch adds support for this usb bridge. Attached is also the output of lsusb and smartctl -x -q noserial

#1005 fixed Add Intenso SSD SATA III High to drivedb Christian Franke Matthias Aebi

Please add the Intenso SSD SATA III High 120 GByte to drivedb. Additional information and datasheet can be found at

#1732 fixed Add Intenso TOP SSD to drivedb Christian Franke JoB

Attached you can find the txt output file according to FAQ.

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