Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (331 - 333 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#675 invalid Disable tler through usb3.0-sata enclosure? Evergreens

I was wondering, if I have a Sata hdd is put in usb3.0 external enclosure. Can I use smartmontools to disable the tler on the drive? If yes, I know the commandline to disable tler when the sata-disk is attached internally in normal desktop. But do I need extra commandline commands if the disk is in usb3.0 enclosure to disable tler? If yes what would commandline look like?


#796 fixed Disk not in Database: ST5000LM000 Andreas vdL


this Seagate Barracuda 2,5" HDD isn't in the database.

#634 wontfix Do not operate on drives which are security locked by password Andreas E

The following is not me, but it's fairly similar:

scsiModePageOffset: response length too short, resp_len=xx offset=yy bd_len=zz

Well after I got this message when trying to do a smartctl long test, I thought my drive was faulty as this guy's one was, but it was 100% OK.

The actual reason for the "error" was almost to be called hilarious: my drive was security locked! This happened after using security erase (enhanced) via hdparm:

# hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass /dev/sdc blahdiblah # hdparm --user-master u --security-erase enhanced /dev/sdc blahdiblah

It may be a bug in hdparm that it doesn't always release the lock as soon as it has finished erasing.

Anyways, that "faulty" drive was actually a great drive, and after doing a DISPWD on it via MHDD, it gave me a PERFECT rating on HDD Sentinel.

tl;dr ?

What this enhancement request is about:

  • Do not operate on drives that are security locked by password (makes less sense), instead:
  • Inform the user THAT their drive is security locked and write out something like "Can't operate on this drive - unlock it first" so that the user knows what they're up to.
  • Do not lead the user down the garden path by telling them about a responselength being too short, making them think it's their drive which is at (hardware) fault.
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