Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (307 - 309 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#76 wontfix DEVICESCAN smartd not working on opensolaris snv_134 somebody grooverdan

$ pfexec /usr/local/sbin/smartd -c smartd.conf $ echo $? 17 Running smartd returns an error code indicating no disks are available.

$ cat smartd.conf DEFAULTSCAN -a -d sat,12 -m root

system trace indicates no devices are opened

smartd.conf.4 suggests that /dev/rdsk/c?t?d?s? is scanned. ? should correspond to more that one digit (not sure if this is the case) and s? isn't needed as this just refers to a slice of a disk.

#1306 duplicate DataError when trying to edit Wiki Pierre Fagrell

I tried to add an entry to the list of supported USB devices and got the following error:

DataError: (1406, "Data too long for column 'request' at row 1")

Also on the error page there is a link to "Create a ticket". When I click that it tries to make a GET request to with an extremely long URL containing all data of the Wiki page in question.

#1173 duplicate Database addition: SanDisk SDSSDH3500G Randy Wright

I recently purchased a new 500GB SanDisk SSD, model SDSSDH3500G, which is not in the database.

I created a local smart_drivedb.h adding it with the attributes of the other products found under "Marvell based SanDisk SSDs" and that appears to work find.

This was verified on Debian Stretch, both with the version installed by Debian as well as a build of the latest smartmontools source cloned from the github repo.

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