Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (304 - 306 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#218 duplicate DEVICESCAN -d removable somebody mokrates


As I have seen some broken USB-Harddisks now, I would like to submit a WISH:

smartd, when started with options for devicescan and being told, they could be removable, and seeing that smart-notifier connects to smartd via dbus: couldn't smartd check usb-disks when they're connected after starting smartd? (using udisks dbus interface or somesuch) And if it does so already, please document it (then I woulnd't have asked).

Thank you VERY much for great work, which repeatedly saved me from data-loss.


#1036 fixed DEVICESCAN / --scan fails if multiple types specified Christian Franke olifre
$ smartctl -d ata -d sat -d scsi -d nvme --scan
# scan_smart_devices: glob(3) aborted matching pattern /dev/discs/disc*

$ smartctl -d ata --scan
# scan_smart_devices: glob(3) aborted matching pattern /dev/discs/disc*

$ smartctl --scan
/dev/sda -d scsi # /dev/sda, SCSI device

$ smartctl -d scsi -d ata --scan
# scan_smart_devices: glob(3) aborted matching pattern /dev/discs/disc*

For this reason, the recommendation at: to use

DEVICESCAN -d ata -d scsi -d sat -d nvme -a

can also never work. There appears to be no way to DEVICESCAN for mixed devices including nvme unless support is explicitly compiled in.

#116 fixed DEVICESCAN does not find USB devices on Windows Christian Franke Christian Franke

smartd DEVICESCAN should also include USB devices. This requires speedup of USB ID detection (ticket #115) first.

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