Custom Query (1434 matches)


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Results (241 - 243 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1730 duplicate Unknown USB bridge [0x04e8:0x61fb (0x100)] skoehler

This is a Samsung T7 Shield, 4TB.

It has a USB to NVMe bridge. I don't know which one.

#1753 duplicate LONGSYS RSYE3836N-(480G|960G|1920|3840) SSD need to add drive data into drivedb.h Stanley Ye

Hi, Good day. We found LONGSYS UNICA 3836 series SSD is not included in latest drivedb.h . So we tried to edit local drivedb.h in system and looks it shows correct SMART attributes name now. Here is attached test report and modified drivedb.h for reference. Please help to maintain this series SSD drive in database, thank you.

#1758 duplicate Add HFS480G32FEH-BA10A (Hynix SE5031) (Dell Channel) Anthony D'Atri

Dell shipped us a number of these drives. A different variant of HFS480G32FEH is in the database; most likely this is similar or identical with respect to SMART.

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