Custom Query (1419 matches)


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Results (226 - 228 of 1419)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1520 duplicate New/Add HDD for Database; Seagate EXOS X16 - ST16000NM001G-2KK103 hackbyte

Please add those shiny new Seagate Exos X16 16TB drives to the database.

Thanks for all your efforts!


#1553 duplicate New drive- Micron 1300 glaikit

New info for the drive database for a Micron 1300 MTFDDAK2T0TDL

Going by the product brief ( this should apply to MTFDDA(K|V)(256|512|1T0|2T0)TDL

I have attached the output from smartctl, as well as a screenshot from a vendor tool showing the SMART parameters. (note I attached the drive to my linux box to get the smartctl output after having it attached to a windows PC to use the vendor tool, some some data may have incremented slightly)

#1560 duplicate WDC WD100EDAZ-11F3RA0 Alex


WDC WD100EDAZ-11F3RA0 is a SATA HDD inside external USB3 device "WD Elements Desktop".

SMART Attributes: ID #22 should read "Helium Monitor"

Best regards, Alex

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