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Results (208 - 210 of 1434)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1344 duplicate Seagate BUP Portable Charles Curley

Similar to #1092 closed defect (duplicate), Seagate Backup Plus Hub 8 TB

With a fresh svn copy, I ran:

# ./smartctl -a /dev/sdb
smartctl 7.2 2020-06-24 r5073 [x86_64-linux-4.19.0-6-amd64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-20, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

Read Device Identity failed: scsi error unsupported field in scsi command

A mandatory SMART command failed: exiting. To continue, add one or more '-T permissive' options.


Like #1092, -d scsi got me useful data. I did not try the other options shown in #1092.

# ./smartctl -a -d scsi /dev/sdb
smartctl 7.2 2020-06-24 r5073 [x86_64-linux-4.19.0-6-amd64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-20, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

Vendor:               Seagate
Product:              BUP Portable
Revision:             0004
Compliance:           SPC-4
User Capacity:        5,000,981,077,504 bytes [5.00 TB]
Logical block size:   512 bytes
Physical block size:  4096 bytes
Logical Unit id:      0x5000000000000001
Serial number:        00<edited!!>
Device type:          disk
Local Time is:        Tue Jun 30 12:18:20 2020 MDT
SMART support is:     Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is:     Disabled
Temperature Warning:  Disabled or Not Supported

SMART Health Status: OK
Current Drive Temperature:     0 C
Drive Trip Temperature:        0 C

Error Counter logging not supported

Device does not support Self Test logging

The device does use the aus driver:

# lsusb -t
/:  Bus 06.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ohci-pci/2p, 12M
/:  Bus 05.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ohci-pci/2p, 12M
/:  Bus 04.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ohci-pci/2p, 12M
/:  Bus 03.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ohci-pci/2p, 12M
/:  Bus 02.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ohci-pci/2p, 12M
/:  Bus 01.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ehci-pci/10p, 480M
    |__ Port 5: Dev 9, If 0, Class=Mass Storage, Driver=uas, 480M

#1367 duplicate Split code into common interface library binary, and smartd + smartctl binaries Aadam Zocolo

After a while of using smartmontools, I have a big desire to incorporate native bindings into some higher-level languages like JavaScript (NodeJS) and Python.

This is very hard to do with smartmontools in its current state, because all of the code is compiled into two binaries, if I'm not mistaken. "smartctl" and "smartd".

I would love to see (and help) this project organize code and make files in such a way that developers are able to access the "device_interface" class in code. Particularly "smi()" so we can deal with native "smart_device" objects directly in code, instead of only being able to parse output of "smartctl". A library binary with a header file in the include path.

I've done some digging in the code, and believe this can be easily done, since "smi()" is a shared piece of code between both smartd and smartctl. I do not have lots of experience with C++ and make files for large projects, but I imagine this could be as simple as compiling a static library for the "device_interface" on that machine, and then including that static library in "smartd" and "smartctl" binaries. I would add that this code should also be wrapped in a namespace, should you proceed to create a library out of it.

I would assume that you do not have lots of time to implement this, so I would love to offer help in any way, but I will reiterate that I am not super experienced with large project makefiles, automake, or c++ compilers. I am totally willing to learn. I do however understand the language itself relatively well, and do not have a big problem understanding an overview of the code structure.

What are your thoughts?

I've set a milestone I think is feasible, but please change it to how you see fit. Thank you for your time.

#1383 duplicate IronWolf Pro 125 floatinglettersllc

I was referred to you by Synology. We have 5 new Seagate IronWolf Pro 125 SSD NAS drives. They have a critical error because of an issue Unknown Attribute failure. Are you able to resolve this issue by adding the attributes to your DB? My understanding is that Synology pulls that data.

#246 Unkown_Attribute failed. Error in this S.M.A.R.T attribute usually indicates that severe electronic or physical damages have occurred to the drive, and that the error cannot be suppressed manually. We highly recommend backing up your data and replacing the drive immediately.

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