Custom Query (1417 matches)


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Results (130 - 132 of 1417)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#899 duplicate add to drivedb: WDC WD80EFAX-68LHPN0 Gabriele Pohl

Reported on database mailing list:

Here's the smartmontools report for the Western Digital 8TB Easy Store USB 3.0 drive.

It was tested on Debian 9.1, and required the "-d sat" option.

#903 duplicate add to drivedb: SAMSUNG PM871b Christian Franke Gabriele Pohl

Reported on database mailing list:

This is Hanwoori Koh. I am sending this e-mail to add a new device which is PM871b to the Smartmontools Database. I attached the smartctl-VENDOR-MODEL.txt log, and I also gave you two pictures that include the device information about FW Name, Model Name and SMART Attributes. I kindly ask you to add this smart information to the Database of Smartmontools. If the information is not enough to add to the Database, any feedback will be welcomed. For your information, this device is base on SAMSUNG Electronics, After adding the smart information to the Database successfully, people who use HP systems with PM871b will be happy to use Smartmontools to check their drives.

[FW Name and Model Name] 
FW : MVT(0|2)[0-9]H(3|6)Q
Model Number : MZ(7|N)LN(128|256|512|1T0)HA(HQ|JQ|LR)-000H(1|7)

[SMART Attribute] 
ID  Attribute Description 
1 Raw Read Error Rate
5 Reallocated Sector Count
9 Power-on Hours 
12 Power-on Count
171 Program Fail Count (total)
172 Erase Fail Count (total)
173 Wear Leveling Count
174 Unexpected Power Loss Count
176 Unused Reserved Block Count
181 NON-4K Aligned Access Count
183 SATA Interface Downshift Count
184 End-to-End Data Errors Corrected
187 Uncorrectable Error Count
188 Command Timeout
194 Air Flow Temperature
198 SMART Off-Line Scan UECC Count 
199 CRC Error Count
241 Total LBA Written
242 Total LBA Read
243 Total Media Writes
#906 duplicate add drive to database: WD WDBCKA0080HBK-NESN henryjb99

I have the following drive that is not in the database. When I try to monitor this drive, I get errors (tried 2 different models of this drive, and both error) when attempting to monitor the drive with offline SMART checks.

I receive these errors on the drives when attempting to do offline SMART checks: FailedReadSmartData FailedHealthCheck

All tests of the drive pass.

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