Custom Query (1368 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 1368)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#244 duplicate Request adding LSI megaraid card support on windows somebody dzxxly

Hi all,

Could you please add LSI megaraid SAS card support on windows? currently only support linux...


#264 duplicate Support for Serial Attached SCSI Drives somebody acasis

Is log page dump supported to Serial Attached SCSI Drives? How do we issue CDB commands for log pages? PAGE CODE=01: Buffer Over-Run/Under-Run Log Page PAGE CODE=02: Write Error Counter log page PAGE CODE=03: Read Error Counter log page PAGE CODE=05: Verify Error Counter log page PAGE CODE=06: Non Medium Error Counter log page PAGE CODE=0D: Temperature log page PAGE CODE=0E: Start-Stop Cycle Counter log page PAGE CODE=0F: Application client log page PAGE CODE=10: Self-Test Results log page PAGE CODE=15: Background Scan Results log page PAGE CODE=18: : Protocol Specific Port log page PAGE CODE=1A: Power Condition Transition log page PAGE CODE=2F: SMART Status log page PAGE CODE=38: SMART Data log page E6: DUMP SMART

#307 duplicate drive database wrong somebody cybermcm

I have a Seagate 1 TB hard drive in my system (ST1000DM003-1CH162) with latest firmware CC49. Smartd reports a new firmware (CC4H) for my disk but this is wrong. The link shows a firmware update for ST1000DM003-9YN162 which is a different disk with the same model number but different part number. I even tried to install the firmware with no success. Wrong disk part number returned by firmware update exe.

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