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Results (94 - 96 of 1368)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#229 duplicate improve smartd reporting somebody thinrope

Current smartd reports send by mail only list device name (e.g. /dev/sdc) which is not enough to easily identify the problematic disk.

It will be better to add some more info to the report, e.g. something like:

The following warning/error was logged by the smartd daemon:

Device: /dev/sdc [SAT], 4 Offline uncorrectable sectors


Device Model: WDC WD20EARS-00MVWB0 Serial Number: WD-WMAZ2026xxxxx User Capacity: 2,000,398,934,016 bytes [2.00 TB]

(above is easily obtained by smartctl -i /dev/sdc |egrep "Device Model|Serial Number|User Capacity")

#234 duplicate Impossible to access to the physical disks behind a 3Ware 9650 RAID card somebody xmilha

I have an 3Ware 9650 RAID card with 4 physical disks (Samsung HD203WI with tler modifiable) and 4 logical partitions but I can't access to the physical disks, when I type (for example) smartctl -i /dev/sdc,1 or smartctl -i /dev/sdc,2 I get informations on the partitions and not informations on the disks. So I can't change the TLER parameter of my disks.

The OS is Windows 2003, the smartmontools version is 5.43, the 3Ware driver version is and the firmware is

smartctl -i /dev/sdb,1

smartctl 5.43 2012-06-30 r3573 [i686-w64-mingw32-2003-sp2] (sf-5.43-1) Copyright (C) 2002-12 by Bruce Allen,

Vendor: LSI Product: 9650SE-16ML Revision: 4.10 User Capacity: 2á999á967á547á392 bytes [2,99 TB] Logical block size: 512 bytes Logical Unit id: 0x600050e0c12df40038490000af5b0000 Serial number: WZ502711C12DF4003849 Device type: disk scsiModePageOffset: response length too short, resp_len=4 offset=4 bd_len=0 Local Time is: Sun Aug 12 13:40:09 2012 PM Device supports SMART and is Disabled Temperature Warning Disabled or Not Supported

smartctl -i /dev/sdb,2

smartctl 5.43 2012-06-30 r3573 [i686-w64-mingw32-2003-sp2] (sf-5.43-1) Copyright (C) 2002-12 by Bruce Allen,

Vendor: LSI Product: 9650SE-16ML Revision: 4.10 User Capacity: 2á999á967á547á392 bytes [2,99 TB] Logical block size: 512 bytes Logical Unit id: 0x600050e0c12df40038490000af5b0000 Serial number: WZ502711C12DF4003849 Device type: disk scsiModePageOffset: response length too short, resp_len=4 offset=4 bd_len=0 Local Time is: Sun Aug 12 13:40:14 2012 PM Device supports SMART and is Disabled Temperature Warning Disabled or Not Supported

smartctl -i /dev/sdc,1

smartctl 5.43 2012-06-30 r3573 [i686-w64-mingw32-2003-sp2] (sf-5.43-1) Copyright (C) 2002-12 by Bruce Allen,

Vendor: LSI Product: 9650SE-16ML Revision: 4.10 User Capacity: 1á999á988á850á688 bytes [1,99 TB] Logical block size: 512 bytes Logical Unit id: 0x600050e0c0fa1800524d000053430000 Serial number: WZ707793C0FA1800524D Device type: disk scsiModePageOffset: response length too short, resp_len=4 offset=4 bd_len=0 Local Time is: Sun Aug 12 13:15:40 2012 PM Device supports SMART and is Disabled Temperature Warning Disabled or Not Supported

smartctl -i /dev/sdc,2

smartctl 5.43 2012-06-30 r3573 [i686-w64-mingw32-2003-sp2] (sf-5.43-1) Copyright (C) 2002-12 by Bruce Allen,

Vendor: LSI Product: 9650SE-16ML Revision: 4.10 User Capacity: 1á999á988á850á688 bytes [1,99 TB] Logical block size: 512 bytes Logical Unit id: 0x600050e0c0fa1800524d000053430000 Serial number: WZ707793C0FA1800524D Device type: disk scsiModePageOffset: response length too short, resp_len=4 offset=4 bd_len=0 Local Time is: Sun Aug 12 13:15:43 2012 PM Device supports SMART and is Disabled Temperature Warning Disabled or Not Supported

#241 duplicate Support for more than 24 drives at a time somebody acasis

Is it possible to have more than 24 drive support at a time?

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